She was _______ exhausted than her sister after they ran the marathon.
1. Most
2. More
3. Increasingly
4. the more
She tried to sleep, but she had drunk _____ much coffee that day.
1. two
2. to
3. too
3. too
The tree in the back yard has finally lost all of
(its it's ) leaves.
If all goes well, (then / than) we can proceed to the next step.
Nobody thinks that (its it's ) a good idea to talk to Bob right now.
What is wrong with this sentence?
"They’re concern is that the caterer may not have enough appetizers for everyone they're expecting at the party."
They're should be Their.
Every week Jerry runs (farther further ) on the trail in an effort to train for the Boston Marathon.
Correct the punctuation:
I asked the doctor if my mothers test results were back from the laboratory.
(apostrophe) mother’s
If (you're your ) going to act that way, I'm leaving.
The mountaineering group _______ looking forward to climbing K2 next year.
1. Are
2. Is
3. Were
4. Be
He promised to reform _____ a few days later he forgot everything.
What punctuation should go after the word 'reform'?
I'm sure that (farther further ) explanation would help you understand this difficult concept.
Correct the punctuation:
The young dog licked it’s wounded paw.
Please write (you're your ) name on the top of the paper.
What is wrong with this sentence?
"I want to see Sarahs’ new pet cat. "
Correct this sentence, using properly placed quotation marks:
He said that "I had won the lottery."
He said, "You have won the lottery."
He said, "I have won the lottery."
What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence?
The poor child (weep) because she had lost her doll.
You may keep all of his gifts (accept except ) the ring.
Nothing is worse (then than ) fighting traffic on Friday afternoon.
I ordered the following supplies___ eggs, potatoes, and butter.
What punctuation should go after the word 'supplies'?
Correct this sentence:
I noticed the beautiful colors of the autumn leaves walking down the street.
(misplaced modifier) Walking down the street, I noticed the beautiful colors of the autumn leaves.
Correctly place punctuation in this sentence:
Mary's father has lived at 324 South Daisy Street Apartment 2B Miami Florida for many years.
Mary's father has lived at 324 South Daisy Street, Apartment 2B, Miami, Florida, for many years.
Correct his sentence for subject/verb agreement:
The results of the survey on the political atmosphere in this country is frightening.
The results of the survey on the political atmosphere in this country are frightening.
Correct this comma splice sentence:
She decided to quit her high-pressured job, she didn’t want to develop heart trouble.
job ; she
job , for she
job . She . . .