What is Pesticides?
Pesticides is a substance or mixture of a substance intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pests.
What do pesticides do for the crops?
They keep pests away from them.
What are symptoms of long term pesticide reexposure?
An cough that will never go away once it gets on you, will cause sickness. It can also make you feel like your chest is getting tighter and tighter
What are the benefits of pesticides?
Pesticides can control many pests, and disease carriers
What do pesticides do for a farmer?
They help the crops grow faster on a smaller field.
What are the effects of pesticide pollution?
Pesticides can contaminate soil, water, turf, and other vegetation. Poisoning the ecosystem
What way can pesticides help the crops?
Pesticides are protecting every crop from any kind of harm like weed, diseases pests, and many more.
What do pesticides control?
Pesticides are used to control various pests and disease carriers.
Do pesticides have a direct of indirect on human health?
What are the four common pesticides farmers use?
Insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and bactericide, the four common kind of pesticides.
What do pesticides do that are helpful to our health?
They are capable of killing anything that can harm us/humans like germs, animals, and any plant that's poisonous/dangerous
What chronic diseases are linked to pesticides consumption
leukemia and non-hodgkin's lymphoma.
What pesticide was used in WW2?
What quality is used in pesticide?
Its highly used to target a specific organism to protect the humans health
What kind of diseases do humans catch when pesticides land on them?
Lung disease/.Lung Cancer, Cancer, Diabetes, disorder, etc