A volleyball that is hit with the forearms in an upward motion is known as:
What is a bump or pass?
What you are hoping to accomplish in your lesson is known as your:
What is objectives?
What does DAPE stand for?
What is developmental adapted physical education?
Organizing the skills and games you are going to do in your PE class is known as:
What is planning?
You are teaching a new skill and you just gave verbal directions on how to perform it, what comes next?
What is demonstrate the skill?
These cues are for what skill in what sport? 2 part answer.
Head up, finger pads, use both hands, ball below the waist
What is dribbling in basketball?
A visual aid that you create to show how you are setting up the gym or teaching space is known as a?
What is a diagram?
Including students with disabilities into your regular PE class with their peers is known as:
What is inclusion?
When focusing on skill development with your students, you should focus on the mechanics of how they are perfoming the skill not the outcome of the skill (the product), this is also known as the:
What is the process?
Starting your lesson with a quick activity or visual to get them excited for your lesson is known as:
What is an anticipatory set?
The scoring system that spikeball uses is called:
What is the time used to go from your game to your closure known as:
What is a transition?
You are practicing serving over the net in volleyball, the BEST example of an appropriate modification for a strength deficiency for a student with a disability would be:
What is have the student move closer to the net to shorten the distance they need to hit the ball?
You are a PE teacher and you have some new equipment you would like to get for your PE program but don't have any $$ in your budget, you could go and ask a group of dedicated parents who are a member of what organization?
What is your PTO/PTA?
When you are teaching and observing your class you should actively supervise your students by standing where?
What is on the outside of the playing area or the perimeter of the gym?
When teaching the sport of floor hockey, the first thing you should cover is:
What is safety?
You are teaching a basketball unit for a class of 30 and rather than playing a game of 5 on 5 basketball and having people sit out, you play 5 games of 3 v 3, what is this known as:
What is a small sided game?
The Law that mandates equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment is known as
What is public law 94-142 or IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)?
Liability insurance for PE teachers is used to:
What is protect from being sued?
You just taught a lesson and now you are thinking through what you did well and what didn't go well, this is known as:
What is reflection?
The acronym BEEF in basketball stands for what:
What is Balance, Eyes, Elbow and Follow-through?
You just had the students clean up the equipment, in your closure you should review what they learned, this is known as
What is CFU or check for understanding?
What does IEP stand for:
What is individualized education program?
Training to help PE teachers build on their knowledge, skills, competence and effectiveness in teaching practices is known as:
What is professional development?
When students are practicing a skill and you are walking around and giving them tips to improve their skill performance, this is called:
What is feedback?