Tinkerbell is a:
What is: A Fairy
Chapter 2 starts with Nana charging at who, and captures what instead.
What is: Nana charged at Peter, but captured Peters shadow instead.
After Mr. an Mrs. Darling leave, Peter pan and tinker bell appear in this place.
What is: A Nursery Window
How long do the Darling kids and Peter fly to get to Neverland?
What is: Several days
There are this many lost boys in Neverland.
What is: 6
The Darlings lived in this country:
Where is: London, England
Mr. Darling works as a......
What is: A stockbroker or a kind of banker.
Peter is looking for something.... what could it be....
What is: His shadow
They stole food from where:
What are: Birds
The lost boys hide in what to disappear from the pirates.
What are: Holes in the trucks of hollow trees.
Nana is a what, and helped take care of......
What is: Nana is a dog and she helped take care of the Darling children.
It says someone is overly anxious, even paranoid. Name that person.
Who is: Mrs. Darling
Wendy helps Peter with his shadow by doing this:
What is: Sewing it back on.
When John and Michael would fall asleep, they would fall close to the sea, who would save them?
Who is: Peter man
The redskins in the book are referred to as what in the book.
Who are: the Native Americans
The three Darling children names are:
Who are: Michael, Wendy, and John.
Michael refuses to take what in the story.... and it angers this person.
What is: His Medicine and it angers Mr. Darling.
Peter shows this emotion, once Wendy sews the shadow back on.
What is: Lack of appreciation
Peter Pans worst nemesis is this character.
What is: Captain Hook
Hook's hatred is heightened when Peter pan does this to Hooks hand.
What is: Feeds it to a crocodile.
Chapter 1 states: :All children, except one, grow up."
The character is a boy who flies three kids to Neverland.
Who is: Peter Pan
Where does Mr. Darling's medicine end up:
What is Nana's Food bowl
Tinkerbell is what when Wendy gives Peter a kiss...
What is: Jealous
Fill in these two blanks:
The Darling boys are told by this character the reason for cutting off the hand of this character.
2 characters to be names
Who are: Peter Pan and Captain Hook
Wendy is shot down by tootles, Can you tell me why?
What is: Because Tinkerbell lies to the lost boys and says that Peter wants them to shoot at " The Wendy."