Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

The chapter starts off with the pirates attacking these characters as they were sleeping.

Who are: Tiger Lily and her tribe


The trickery worked and the lost boys were caught, oh but how was Wendy treated....

What is: She was treated like a lady, Captain Hook offered his arm and tipped his hat.


Captain Hooks ship is called this name.

What is: The Jolly Roger


Peter does this to scare off other creatures, but there is one creature who is attracted to that sound.

Name the animal and the sound 

What is: A ticking of a clock and a crocodile. 


Fill in the blanks:

In the beginning of this chapter, Peter, the lost boys, and the darling children all came aboard the blank, wearing blank, and acting like blank.

What is: Peter, the lost boys, and the darling children all came aboard the pirate ship, wearing pirate clothes, and acting like sailors.


The lost boys are waiting downstairs, What do you think they might be feeling?

They are waiting to be what?

What is: Nervous





They are waiting to be adopted.


The battle between the two groups is brutal. This many of Tiger Lily's group and this many pirates died.

Give me a guess!

What is: Tiger Lily and a hand full of her men survived and at least 5 pirates were killed.


Where are the Lost boys taken...

What is: They were thrown into the house they built for Wendy and carried off by four pirates with Hook stays behind in search of Peter.


Hook orders six lost boys to do this on that night.

What is: Walk the plank!


Peter is hiding somewhere on the Jolly Roger, Where is he hiding?

What is: The Cabin


The ship was sailing to this place.

Where is: The mainland to take the children home.


Peter says this when Mrs Darling offers to also adopt him, send him to school, and later work.

What is: Peter says: Keep back, lady," No one is going to catch me and make me a man." 


The Pirates listen through the blank trying to hear what Peter Pan is saying to the Lost boys.

What is: Hollow trees


Peter is what, when Hook finds him?

What is: Peter was sleeping.


Complete this line that one character says before walking the plank!

"I don't ____________my ______________ would want me to be a ____________.

What is: I don't _think__ my _mother__ would want me to be a _pirate _.


Peter cuts Wendy free and then does this to trick Hook and his gang of pirates.

What is: wore her cloak, then crowed as long as he could. 


Peter and Tinkerbell put a plan in place to keep Wendy from returning home. What was that?

What is: Bar the window to prevent Wendy from returning home. 


Mr. Darling treated the lost boys unfavorably, Why?

What is: Because he felt they only asked for Mrs. Darling’s consent and not his 


The book talks about Peter waiting for the signal from the Tom-tom.

What is it meaning?

What is: A drum


Hook does something evil before he returns to his ship.

What is: Puts poison in Peter's fake medicine. 


Hook does this to Wendy when she tells her brothers to die bravely.

What is: Tie her to the mast, to see her brothers walk the plank.


At this point Hook thinks peter is what.

What is: Peter is dead.


Mrs. Darling Feeling this type of emotion without her children.

What is: Grief over her missing children.


Mrs. Darling allows Wendy to go this many times back to Neverland.

What is: For a week every year and do his spring cleaning 


The pirates have a master plan to trick Peter pan and the lost boys out. What was it?

What is: Smee would beat the drum twice tricking  Peter and the gang to thinking victory was theirs.


Something or someone stops Peter from taking his medicine. Who could that be!?

What is: Tinker-bell


There is a creature lurking hungry for more of Captain Hook's flesh.

What is: The ticking Crocodile 


2 part answer:

how many pirates were left and dead?

Who won?

What is: No pirates were left, eleven died except hook.

Peter pan and the lost boys.


When Mrs. Darling sees her children, she thinks it is this. Then once she realizes they are there, the whole family is filled with this.

What is: A dream

             Everyone is filled with joy.


Peter's spring cleaning changed when Wendy grew up, How?

What is:  Her daughter Jane would go and Jane’s daughter Margaret would go, etc.
