The cost of serving a 24 & 18 month mission.
What is $9,600 or $7,200...which is $400/month?
The number of days in advance you can submit your mission papers.
What is 150 days?
This causes armpit stains in your shirts.
What is aluminum in your antiperspirant?
The number of miles a missionary may walk per day in a Brazil mission.
What is 11 or more miles?
What is a missionaries favorite car?
A convertible. 😂
The cost of a US Passport.
What is $165.00?
The weight limit of checked baggage.
What is 50 lbs?
A tried and true way of helping your clothes and shoes last longer.
What is rotate, rotate, rotate?
True or False? All Elders must wear a tie.
False, Specific missions only as determined by the Area Presidency and the Mission President.
Which prophet broke the most commandments?
The average cost a missionary spends on clothing.
What is $1,500.00?
The names of the 2 most common ways to tie a tie.
What is Windsor and Half Windsor?
The number of socks recommended to take on a mission.
What is 10-12 pairs?
If worn in the mission, the amount of suits recommended to take.
What is 1-2 suits?
Why were the Lamanites legs sore?
Because of all the Nephites.
True or False. You should buy all your mission clothes right before you leave for your mission.
False, Once you have your call start to accumulate to ease the financial stress and to make sure all items are in stock.
A good way of avoiding creases in your clothing while packing your suitcase.
What is The Bundle Method?
The most sought after feature in missionary clothing.
What is STRETCH!
The kind of luggage you'd want to have if serving in a foreign location.
What are 2 wheeled luggage?
Why wouldn't Pharaoh let the Hebrews go?
He was in De'Nile.
This percent of missionaries are receiving assistance in paying for their missions from the Missionary Fund.
What is 35%?
True or False. You should learn how to mend your clothes before your mission.
True, Learning to sew a button and simple hem or tear repairs can be super helpful.
The suggested amount of washings a shirt can have before it loses its wrinkle free ability.
What is 50 washings?
The type of coat your missionary list recommends.
What is a coat with a zip out liner?
Why do missionaries have large bladders?
Because there is only one P-day per week. 😂