
What was the first animal to be domesticated by humans?

A. Cat

B. Bird

C. Dog

Dog - In 2021, a review of the current evidence infers from the timings provided by DNA studies that the dog was domesticated in Siberia 23,000 years ago by ancient North Siberians. The dog later dispersed from Siberia with the migration of peoples eastwards into the Americas and westwards across Eurasia. 


What's considered a cats favorite toy?

A. Paper

B. Mouse

C. Yarn

Yarn - If you're short on time, here's the quick answer: Cats play with yarn because their natural hunting instincts tell them to stalk, attack, and kill string-like 'prey. ' It appeals to their senses and enables them to practice skills like pouncing, biting, grabbing, and kicking with their back legs. 


What's a dogs favorite game?

A. Hide and seek

B. Monopoly

C. Fetch

Fetch - The main reason most dogs like balls and specifically playing fetch is because of their prey drive. the way a ball moves when thrown or dropped replicates the movement of prey which stimulates your dog's prey instincts. 

Doggy psychology experts also claim that a game of fetch stimulates the reward regions of a dog's brain so playing simply feels good, which might help explain why it's a game they never seem to tire of.



What do birds like to eat?

A. Seeds

B. Avocado

C. Corn

Seeds - When it comes to filling your feeder, high-energy bits will get bird attention. A bird food mix that has a variety of seeds, nuts, grains and dried fruit always draws a crowd. 


Where do pet fish typically live?

A. Aquarium

B. Toilet Bowl

C. Bathtub

Aquarium - Avoid placing any aquarium near windows, outside doors, heat vents, and air conditioners as these can impact the water temperature. Rapid changes in water temperature can be stressful and even life threatening to some fish. 


What's a popular "exotic" pet you can legally own in NJ with a permit?

A. Raccoon

B. Tiger

C. Deer

Raccoon - Raccoons are legal to own with a permit in NJ but cannot come from the wild—they must come from a licensed breeder—but this is a good thing due to rabies concerns. 


What ancient culture viewed cats as sacred?

A. Aztec

B. Egyptian

C. Greek

Egyptian - Egyptians believed cats were magical creatures, capable of bringing good luck to the people who housed them. To honor these treasured pets, wealthy families dressed them in jewels and fed them treats fit for royalty. 


What kind of dog did the Queen of England have?

A. Greyhound

B. Corgi

C. St. Bernard

Corgi - The first three generations from Susan. The Queen was very fond of corgis since she was a small child, having fallen in love with the corgis owned by the children of the Marquess of Bath. King George VI brought home Dookie in 1933.


What is the name of the yellow bird in Looney Toons?

A. Tweety

B. Woodstock

C. Jerry

Tweety - The name "Tweety" is a play on words, as it originally meant "sweetie", along with "tweet" being an English onomatopoeia for the sounds of birds. His characteristics are based on Red Skelton's famous "Junior the Mean Widdle Kid." He appeared in 46 cartoons during the golden age, made between 1942 and 1964. 


What fish is popular to have in a persons yard?

A. Pufferfish

B. Koi 

C. Salmon

Koi - For Buddhists, the Koi fish is representative of courage and strength of purpose. In the philosophy of Feng Shui, the presence of Koi will attract good luck and fortune. Koi are a well-loved and respected fish for their beauty and strength, and their association with prosperity, ambition, and courage. 


What is the THIRD most popular pet to own currently?

A. Hamster

B. Ferret

C. Fish

Ferret - Ferrets are the third most common “uncaged” pet in the United States behind dogs and cats. These members of the weasel family are lively, smart and affectionate. They can make excellent pets if you are willing to give them a great deal of care and attention. 


Who is the most popular cartoon cat?

A. Garfield

B. Sylvester

C. Felix

Garfield - “People like Garfield because he relieves their guilt,” Davis told CBS News in 1994. “We live in a time where we're made to feel guilty about overeating and oversleeping and not exercising. And Garfield not only does that, but defends his right to do that. He's happy with himself.” 


What is the fastest dog breed?

A. German Shepperd

B. Greyhound

C. Great Dane

Greyhound - A Greyhound, widely recognized for its agile form and graceful movements, can achieve a top speed of approximately 45 miles per hour. This makes the fastest breed of dog in the world, noted especially for its exceptional acceleration capabilities. 


What kind of bird were Pirates said to keep as pets?

A. Robin

B. Parrot

C. Woodpecker

Parrot - Parrots, with their vibrant plumes and ability to mimic human speech, became valuable commodities in European markets. A single parrot could fetch a price equivalent to a common sailor's year of wages! For pirates, these birds weren't just an investment but also a mark of status. 


What pet fish lives the longest?

A. Goldfish

B. Neon Tetra

C. Betta

Goldfish - Goldfish can live for long periods of time if they are fed a varied diet and housed in proper water conditions. The average lifespan of a goldfish is ten to fifteen years. The longest-lived goldfish on record lived to age 43. 


What is the MOST uncommon pet one can own?

A. Fox

B. Woodpecker

C. Capybara

Capybara - Capybaras might be better off as the pets you visit at the zoo. Capybaras are shy around humans and it can take them time to warm up to you. These highly social creatures prefer being together in groups, so they are not necessarily happiest as pets and do better in the wild or in a zoo. 


What is the MOST popular cat breed?

A. Tortie

B. Ragdoll

C. Siamese

Ragdoll - Ragdoll cats have a relaxed and friendly personality, which make them ideal family pets. They enjoy being with humans and often seek out attention and strokes. Ragdolls are very wonderful companions as they are empathetic and in tune with human emotions. 


What is the MOST popular dog breed?

A. French Bulldog

B. Poodle

C. Pomeranian 

French Bulldog - French Bulldogs are compact, sturdy, low-activity little dogs who need to be kept indoors for their own protection. They are excellent companion dogs, affectionate to family and stranger alike, and are ideal pets for apartment dwellers and others with little or no yard space. 


What is the MOST popular bird to own?

A. Blue Jay

B. Cockatoo

C. Parakeet

Parakeet - These small-to-medium sized birds make wonderful family pets due to their naturally affectionate behavior and playful disposition. 


What is the MOST popular freshwater fish to own?

A. Betta 

B. Catfish

C. Guppy

Betta Fish - Betta fish, also called Siamese fighting fish, are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish in the world due to their beautiful colorations, various fin shapes, and their relative ease of care. 


What breed of dog is considered the smartest pet?

A. Border Collie

B. Chihuahua

C. Dalmatian  

Border Collie - Border Collies are the brainiacs of the dog world—most people consider them to be the smartest dog breed. Besides being highly intelligent, these dogs are also known for their endurance, energy, loyalty, and friendliness. 



When did cats become popular as pets?

A. 1400s

B. 1600s

C. 1800s

1800s - Towards the end of the 19th century, more Americans began to keep cats for their company as well as their utility. The first cat show was held at Madison Square Garden in 1895. By the end of World War I, cats were commonly accepted as house pets in the U.S. 


In what religion do dogs have major religious significance?

A. Christianity

B. Hinduism

C. Buddhism 

Hinduism - Dogs play various roles in ancient Indian religious texts, and they also have a special place in some Hindu religious ceremonies. Dogs in these ceremonies stand for being alert, faithful, and having a pure heart, which reflects their portrayal in old stories. 

Hindus believe dogs are sacred animals that guard the doors of heaven and hell and may represent our past life and affinities once we're reincarnated. Gods may also appear to humans disguised as dogs. 


What ancient culture is credited as the first to keep pet birds? 

A. Greeks

B. Egyptians

C. Romans

Egyptians - The falcon, for example, represented the power of gods like Horus and Montu and were highly prized as pets. Pharaohs and earlier kings kept a falcon for hunting but also as a symbol of divine power. The ibis was another popular bird of the upper class which represented wisdom and the god Thoth. 


What is the MOST popular saltwater fish you can own?

A. Blue Tang

B. Pufferfish

C. Clownfish

Clownfish - On the positive side, Clownfish are ideal beginner fish, since they are easy-to-care-for, hardy, and don't require a huge aquarium to survive happily. Because wild clownfish always stay in or near anemones in a reef environment, they require very little space. They readily eat most fresh, frozen, and dried foods. 
