If Jupiter wanted to send a message, he would usually call upon...
A Roman chariot race would typically be held at...
Circus Maximus
According to it's Latin root, a creature with lupine features would resemble what animal?
A wolf
Translate the italix. Troiani ad portum Siciliae navigant.
of Sicily
What is the best response to "Quid Agis?"
Ceres, mother of Proserpina, was goddess of...
What city was conquered using a giant wooden horse as a trick?
Students attend a naval institute to learn about...
Translate the italix. Cotidie circum muros urbis currebas.
You used to run
Which of these Roman numerals represents the largest amount?
A wolf a shepherd, a river, and a priestess are all featured in a story about...
Romulus and Remus
In what entry room of a house did a Roman citizen typically receive clients and guests?
Based on its Latin root, a portable device is easy to...
Translate the italix. Te cras visitabimus.
We will visit
In which province was the Nile River located?
Aegyptus / Egypt
Quis sum? Sum rex deorum.
Iuppiter / Jupiter / Zeus
What animal would typically play a major part in the action at the Circus Maximus?
Equus / Horse
The French word mere, the Spanish word madre, and the English word matron all derive from what Latin root?
Translate the italix. Claudia respondet, "Ego cibum et vinum ad templum Vestae porto."
of Vesta
If you wanted to encourage your friend to live a full life, you might say...
"Carpe diem!"
Which god of music traded his herd of cows and a magic wand in exchange for a lyre?
Most Romans in the city of Rome did not live in villis, but in...
in insulis
Innovation, novelty, and renovate all derive from the Latin word meaning...
Translate the italix. Vos esitis cives Romani!
We are
What town, located at the mouth of the Tiber and founded by Ancus Marcius, was the port of Rome?