Noah made the ark to escape this horrible event.
What is the flood?
This prophet was swallowed by a big fish.
Who is Jonah?
"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, ______________"
"as it is in heaven."
The group of 12 people who followed Jesus were called this.
What are disciples?
True or False: Delilah cut Samson's Hair
False. (Judges 16:19)
The ark was made from this type of wood.
What is Gopher?
This prophets hands were held up to help the Israelite army win.
Who is Moses?
And now these three remain: _____, _____ and love. But the greatest of these is love.
"faith, hope"
This person gave the orders to try and kill Jesus just after he was born.
Who is Herod?
Daniel had a vision that included two animals, what were they?
What are a Ram and a Goat
God instructed Noah to build the ark this length.
What is 300 cubits?
This is considered by most to be the first prophecy given in the Bible
God revealing the serpent's future in Genesis 3:15
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God ________."
"and mammon."
Jesus was this age when he began his Ministry
What is 30?
This person was known for having lengthy sermons and teachings.
Who is Bro Jonathan?
This flood covered the Earth for this many days.
What is 150?
This Prophet was suspended between Heaven and Earth by a lock of his hair.
Who is Ezekiel?
for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people __________, and thy God my God
"shall be my people"
While only one returned how many lepers were healed during Jesus' Ministry?
What is 10?
This is the number of requests in the Lords Prayer.
What is 7?
Noah had 3 sons, name them.
Who are Shem, Ham, and Japheth?
Nineveh was prophesized to be destroyed by this Prophet.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose ___________."
"under the heaven"
Where did the Pharisees claim Jesus got his power from in Matthew 12:24?
Who is Beelzebub?
In what city were Jesus’ followers first called “Christians”?
Where is Antioch?