What are your PGC leaders' names?
Devlin, Izzy, Mason & Sades
What does the word "trust" mean?
Reliance on others' words or confidence in another person.
What does the word "Respect" mean?
You accept somebody for who they are, even when they're different.
When can you start signing up for clubs?
2nd semester of Freshman year.
Who is our principal?
Mr. Robinson or J. Rob
What day are emails released?
When did we make the ground rules?
During the first outreach.
To let everyone have a voice.
What is the student-led Instagram account called?
Who do we go to for our schedules or needed discussions?
Your counselor:
Stacy Macke
Paige Jeleniewski
Kirstin Stiffler
What day do we have PGC outreaches?
Wednesdays during home room
Why is it important to listen to others?
To show respectful manners, as well as to help them feel heard.
What was the purpose of the game "Concentration"?
To work on listening to one another.
How many absences can you have a semester before edgunity?
8 absences per class.
What are the big organizations you can join?
What does PGC stand for?
Peer Group Connections
Why do we attempt to ask personal questions?
To better understand who you are and what made you, you.
What was the point of the safe game?
We want to hear other opinions and everyone's outtakes on life.
What are the prices of the dance tickets throughout the year? (excluding prom)
$20 dollar at the door, pre-sale $10.
How many credits do we need to graduate?
28 Credits
True or False? PGC is yearlong
What are PGC ground rules for?
Why do we hold space?
To be present mentally and physically for others.
True or False? You have your homeroom teacher for all of high school
Why is it important to get involved?
To make a name for yourself and grow influence around your community.