How many total credits do you need in order to graduate from Pleasant Grove High School?
What is 220 credits
What time does school start?
What is 8:30 AM?
Where can I find general information about Pleasant Grove High School?
(Hint: he usually greets students at the front of the school in the mornings)
What days of the week do we work on Transition activities?
True or False? You need to pass the Speech Proficiency in order to graduate.
What is False?
When is the 10 minute passing period?
Between 2nd and 3rd periods
Who is the athletic director?
Who is Mr. Gradin?
Who is the principal of Pleasant Grove High School?
Who is Mrs. Keplinger?
Who is our Transition Specialist?
Who is Ms. Hood?
What is the name of the last project you need to complete as a senior at Pleasant Grove High School?
What is the High School Portfolio?
What day of the week do you meet with your Advocacy class?
What is Monday?
What time is dismissal on early out Mondays?
What is 2:40 PM?
Where can you find the health clerk?
What is the Student Services building?
What does MSAT sell as part of Food Faire?
What is Wingstop?
How many English and Social Science credits do you need to earn in order to graduate?
40 English
40 Social Science
What are the 4-B's?
What is Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Your Best?
What 2 things do you need in order to get and/or maintain your work permit?
What is having a job and maintaining a 2.0 GPA?
Who is the activities director?
Who is Mr. Platt?
List the names of the 3 MSAT teachers.
Mrs. Xiong, Mr. Dean, & Mrs. Dean
15 hours of seat time is equal to how many credits?
What is 1 credit?
Where and when are rallies typically held?
What is in the Main Gym and after 7th period?
Where can I find my unofficial high school transcript?
On StudentVUE at the top of the course history tab.
If I have a question about my classes or transcript, what two people can I go see?
Who are my counselor and case manager?
How do you earn your MSAT cord for graduation?
2 years of MSAT - at least 1 in your senior year
be accepted into college, military, vocational training, or receive a job offer