Who was taken to heaven without dying?
Enoch & Elijah
What day is the biblical Sabbath?
What is the mark of the beast?
a mark that people will receive on their right hand or forehead, which will be required for buying and selling during the time of the Beast's rule
When was the PGSDA youth choir inaugurated?
August 2015
Name a Ghanaian SDA gospel artist.
Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
What is the Pathfinder Law?
Keep the morning watch, do my honest part, care for my body, keep a level eye, be courteous and obedient, walk softly in the sanctuary, keep a song in my heart, and go on God’s errands.
What does Daniel’s statue represent?
a prophetic vision given to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
When was PGSDA Founded Officially?
Where/what is the first church in Nagsda?
First Ghana SDA Church / Bronx,NY
Name three of Jesus’ parables.
The Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son, The Talents
Which Ghanaian SDA university is known for training pastors?
Valley View University
Andrew Univeristy
What does the three angels' message warn about?
What Year did Pastor Kwarteng officially become Our church pastor?
what are the three zones of NAGSDA?
How many plagues did God send upon Egypt?
Who was the first Adventist missionary to Ghana?
Francis I. U. Dolphijn
What do the four beasts in Daniel 7 symbolize?
Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome
Who were the First Ever First Elders?
Papa AB / Mr.Baafour or Mr.Akwasi Addai Kwarteng
What Ghanaian SDA musician wrote the song "ENYE YEN"?
Name all Ten Commandments.
(1) No other gods, (2) No idols, (3) Don’t misuse God’s name, (4) Keep the Sabbath, (5) Honor parents, (6) No murder, (7) No adultery, (8) No stealing, (9) No lying, (10) No coveting
What Bible verse is the Pathfinder Pledge based on?
Psalm 119:105 ("Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path").
Explain the 2300-day prophecy in Daniel 8:14.
It represents 2300 years, ending in 1844, marking the start of the investigative judgment
Who was PGSDA first pastor
Pastor Watum
What year was the first NAGSDA camp meeting?