cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes
what are the 4 main types of NCDs
undernutrition, over nutrition, micronutrient deficiencies
what are the three forms of malnutrition
intimate partner violence, sexual violence, child marriage, human trafficking, female infanticide, FGM
what is violence
usually related to income
released CO2 and other greenhouse gases to trap heat and affect global climate
what is human activities
tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet and use of alcohol
what are the modifiable behavioral risk factors
1 out of 9 people worldwide
what is undernourished
society, mental and physical health problems, economic loss and violation of human rights
what huge burden is created by violence
used to define normal weight, overweight, obese
what is BMI
40% more carbon dioxide is in our air today
what is compared to 1750
heart attacks, stroke, hypertension
less than 5.5 pounds
what is a low birth weight
more legislation, education, victims services, programs targeting boys and men
what are some recommendations to reduce violence against women
almost 2 billion adults, of these over 650 million
what is overweight and obese
zero emissions
what level do we need to stabilize the warming for a safe climate
leading cause of death globally
what is cardiovascular disease
low birth weight, underweight, stunting and wasting
child marriage
what is the most common form of sexual exploitation of girls
4.7 million adults die each year as a result of
what is overweight/ obese
this could cause 1 in 6 species to become extinct
what is a 2 Celsius rise in temperature
underlying determinants, common risk factors, intermediate risk factors, diseases
what is the NCD causation pathway
gender inequality, conflict, climate change, poverty, infectious diseases, lack of water and sanitation
what are the main drivers of undernutrition
recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of threat or use of force of other forms of coercion of abduction
what is human trafficking
increased modernization, free trade, globalization, urbanization
what are causes of overweight/ obesity
agreement within the United Nations framework convention on climate change
what is the Paris Agreement