Mixtures & Solutions
Mass or Volume
Forms of Energy
States of Matter
A Little Bit of Everything
What physical property could be used to separate a mixture of corks and rocks? corks float in water, corks are magnetic, corks dissolve in water, rocks dissove in water
What is corks float in water?
Which tool would a student use to find the mass of a box of markers? a solar calculator, a centimeter ruler, a thermometer, a triple beam balance
What is a triple beam balance?
Does a solar panel collect energy from the sun, the moon, stars or electricity?
What is the sun?
Which of the following properties of a frozen popsicle changes most after it melts? color, mass, shape, volume
What is shape?
When you rub your hands together quickly, what kinds of energy are you producing? light and sound, heat and light, electricity and light, sound and heat
What is sound and heat?
Fabian mixed warm water, sand and paper clips into a large beaker. He set the beaker in a sunny window for two weeks. Would the paper clips still be in there at the end of the two weeks?
What is yes?
Is koolaid powder and water mixed together a mixture or a solution?
What is a solution?
Which item would be attracted to a magnet? large metal paper clip, plastic jar lid, glass marble, copper penny
What is a large metal paper clip?
What happens when a sugar cube is dropped into a glass of hot water?
What is it will dissolve?
Which of the following will not happen to a stick of butter as it is heated? it will get harder, it will begin to change into a liquid, it will change shape, it will begin to move
What is it will get harder?
Which of the following would best represent a solution? Soil and rocks, Trail mix, Water and hot chocolate mix
What is water and hot chocolate mix?
Is it possible that two same sized jars filled with different foods could have a different mass?
What is yes?
Do solar panels collect wind energy?
What is no?
Matter is classified by its physical properties. Which of the following is NOT a physical property of matter? Volume, Mass, Force, Magnetism
What is force?
Which item is most likely to float in water? A cork or a glass marble?
What is a cork?
Diego placed several rocks in a container of apple juice. Did Diego make a mixture or a solution?
What is a mixture?
What would you use to measure the mass of a case (12 boxes) of colored pencils?
What is a balance?
Which is a better representation of mechanical energy? Water evaporating on a sidewalk or the wheel on a moving car?
What is the wheel on a moving car?
Which of these would not become a liquid if left out in the Sun? Bowl of ice cream, ice cube, metal spoon, popsicle
What is a metal spoon?
Hazel drops a marble and a cork into a beaker of water. After 40 seconds of observation what would she most likely notice about the cork? About the marble?
What is the cork will float and the marble will sink?
Does salt dissolve faster in hot or cold water?
What is hot water?
Does a triple beam balance measure mass or volume?
What is mass?
If you rub your hand and your foot together very quickly what two kinds of energy are you producing?
What is sound and heat?
Is gasoline a liquid or a gas?
What is a liquid?
Would shining a flashlight on a balance affect it?
What is no?