The First PhantomSMP
PhantomSMP 1 | Starting off
It's said at the end of every video
Pineapple belongs on pizza
How many videos are in the PhantomSMP series?
The channel's most popular video
How to Make a UFO in Plane Crazy (Roblox tutorial)
Fighting the eye of Cthulhu
Defeating the eye of... how do I spell it?
Phantomjay09 used to say it, but stopped for no reason
What the pickle?
How many Roblox Game Review videos have I made
The current subscriber count
The first video that's still public
How to make a UFO in Place Crazy (Roblox Tutorial)
Reprograming chickens
The Chicken Virus
Has been said in almost every video since "Defeating the eye of... how do I spell it?"
Aspect ratio
An old video type that's rarely used anymore
The most popular playlist on the channel
The number of videos on the second channel
Very hyper
Planes Minecraft Map!
Said in a few videos to annoy Izzy and Net
Flounder stomachs
The number of Roblox videos on the channel
The only 2 videos in the popular uploads section that aren't tutorials
Project Stardust Roblox Review, How Accurate Is This Game?
Quickest growing video
How accurate is this game?
The only roleplay on the channel
Life of C episode 1 (Roleplay)
A clip that was meant to be a meme, but was only used in 2 videos
General Grievous
The number of tutorials on the channel
The channel's least popular video
A video that started as a skywars video but turned into I don't even know.
The three games that have been on the channel, but don't have a playlist of their own
Bad Minecraft, Battlefront 2, and Terraria