This is responsible for alertness/energy Too much produces psychotic symptoms. ↓ this = ↓ psychosis
What is dopamine?
These medications treat anxiety.
What are Anxiolytics?
Other side effects of Antipsychotics and their interventions include these?
What are Orthostatic hypotension (Most Common) Heat intolerance – caused by ↓ sweating mechanism Pink/Red/Brown urine with phenothiazines Teratogenic effects on fetus with pregnancy Sexual dysfunction Urinary retention, dry mouth, and eyes.
Nervousness, shaking, sweating, lightheadedness, slurred speech, confusion, loss of consciousness are signs of this. Give me a number.
What is Hypoglycemia = BS < 60?
What will you all do.
What is pass?
This is associated with decreased neuron excitability. ↑ this =↓neuron excitability =↓ anxiety
What is GABA?
CNS effects of anxiolytics include: drowsiness, dizziness and physical dependence. One anxiolytic does not cause CNS depression; therefore, does not cause sedation or physical dependence.
What are azapirones such as Buspar?
Benzodiazapines such as valium or ativan work by doing this.
What is they enhance the action GABA. Increase GABA, decrease anxiety?
The three "P's" of diabetes mellitus are these?
What are polyuria, polydipsia and polyphasia?
Nursing Implications for these medication include; take with food due to GI distress, monitor BP, P, and Wt. (especially 5 lb. loss in a week), Monitor blood sugar, and K levels, warn not to stop abruptly, monitor for S/S of hypokalemia and teach to avoid contact with persons with URI.
What are glucocorticoids?
This is a group of mental disorders in which the individual has difficulty differentiating reality from non-reality.
What is Psychosis?
These Anticholinergic effects;dry mouth, dry eyes, blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation often occur in these medications.
What are tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline?
When taking Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) for depression, patients should be taught to avoid these types of food, give examples.
What are foods containing tyramine? Examples include cheese, liver, yogurt, coffee, chocolate, red wines and beer.
What are nursing implications for antidiabetic medication.
What are monitor blood sugar, assess for S/S of hypoglycemia, especially during medication peak times, teach client to recognize and treat symptoms of hypoglycemia with rapid acting carbohydrate source: orange juice, sweet soda, skim milk, or candy and instruct clients to wear Medic Alert ID.
This a synthetic hormone which acts to replace the natural hormone which is produced by the pancreas.
What is insulin?
These are used to treat psychosis such as schizophrenia; intractable hiccoughs, pre-operative sedation, behavioral problems in children and nausea and vomiting.
What are antipsychotics?
Antipsychotics agents work by doing this.
What is block the action of dopamine?
This is a a group of antidiabetics chemically related to sulfonamides but lacking antibacterial activity, stimulate pancreatic beta cells to secrete more insulin.
What are the sulfonylureas? Glipizide?
Levothyroxine (Synthroid) is a synthetic thyroid medication that has this type of action.
What are increases metabolic rate, increases cardiac output, increases protein synthesis and increases glycogen utilization?
This medication ↓ hepatic production of glucose and ↓ glucose absorption from the small intestine.
What is Metformin?
This is associated with dopamine blockage. Seen most often at the start of drug therapy or change in dosage. Signs and symptoms include: hyperthermia, tachycardia, hypertension, elevated WBC, and CPK (cardiac enzyme) dysrhythmias, muscle rigidity, pallor, diaphoresis
What is Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)?
These side effects of antipsychotics; Acute dystonia - of muscles of tongue, face, neck, back Akathisia - restlessness; pacing, fidgeting Pseudoparkinsonism rigidity, shuffling, tremors, pill-rolling Tardive dyskinesia - protrusion, chewing movements, involuntary trunk/extremity movements are called this.
What is Extrapyramidal Symptoms (EPS):
The side effects and adverse reactions of THIS that result from high doses or prolonged use include increased blood sugar, abnormal fat deposits in the face and trunk, decreased extremity size, muscle wasting, edema, sodium and water retention, hypertension, euphoria or psychosis, thinned skin with purpura, glaucoma, peptic ulcers, and growth retardation.
What are glucocorticoids such as hydrocortisone?
Two medications used to treat hyperthyroidism are these, with being used more often.
What are Propylthiouracil (PTU) and Potassium Iodide (Lugol’s solution)?
This type of medication works by suppressing the inflammatory process and suppressing the action of the adrenal gland.
What are glucocorticoids such as prednisone?