A 39 week pregnant woman was giving oxytocin to induce labor now she is experiencing excessive uterine activity, or tachysystole. Which of the following nursing actions would be effective in reducing uterine activity?

 Administer Tocolytic


Which body organ is the major site of drug metabolism?



What are the two types of IV access?

Peripheral or central venous access


Your patient’s blood glucose level is 215 mg/dL. The patient is about to eat lunch. Per sliding scale, you administer 4 units of Insulin Lispro (Humalog) subcutaneously at 1130. As the nurse, you know the patient is most at risk for hypoglycemia at what time?



Which medication is a long-acting antagonist used to treat asthma?



While a patient is receiving drug therapy for Parkinson’s disease, the nurse monitors for dyskinesia, which is manifested by which finding?

a. Rigid, tense muscles

b. Difficulty in performing voluntary movements

c. Limp extremities with weak muscle tone

d. Confusion and altered mental status


When given a scheduled morning medication, the patient states, “I haven’t seen that pill before. Are you sure it’s correct?” The nurse checks the medication administration record and verifies that it is listed. Which is the nurse’s best response?

a. “It’s listed here on the medication sheet, so you should take it.”

b. “Go ahead and take it, and then I’ll check with your doctor about it.”

c. “It wouldn’t be listed here if it were not ordered for you!”

d. “Let me check on the order first before you take it.”


What are the two antiretrovirals used to reduce HIV Symptoms and infections?

 Zidovudine, Ritonavir


A patient is started on a diuretic for antihypertensive therapy. The nurse expects that a drug in which class is likely to be used initially?

a. Loop diuretics

b. Osmotic diuretics

c. Thiazide diuretics

d. Potassium-sparing diuretics


The nurse is caring for a patient who is receiving vancomycin. The nurse notes that the patient is experiencing flushing, rash, pruritus, and urticaria. The patient's heart rate is 120 beats per minute, and the blood pressure is 92/57 mm Hg. The nurse understands that these findings are consistent with:

 red man syndrome


What measures the margin of safety of a drug?

Therapeutic index


The pt came in their follow up visits to get the results of the latest PT-INR. Pt is currently taking warfarin (Coumadin) The nurse notes the INR levels indicate significant risk for hemorrhage caused by prolonged clotting times. In conversation with the pt, the RN obtains a list of all current herbal medications. Which medication would the nurse suspect is contributing to prolong times?

Garlic, ginger root and ginkgo biloba


A patient has been given a prescription for levodopa-carbidopa (Sinemet) for her newly diagnosed Parkinson’s disease. She asks the nurse, “Why are there two drugs in this pill?” The nurse’s best response reflects which fact?

a. Carbidopa allows for larger doses of levodopa to be given.

b. Carbidopa prevents the breakdown of levodopa in the periphery.

c. There are concerns about drug-food interactions with levodopa therapy that do not

exist with the combination therapy.

d. Carbidopa is the biologic precursor of dopamine and can penetrate into the central

nervous system


Lithium toxicity is 1.0 and above true or false?



The nurse can prevent medication errors by following which principles? (Select all that apply.)

a. Assess for allergies after giving medications.

b. Use two patient identifiers before giving medications.

c. Do not give a medication that another nurse has drawn up in a syringe.

d. Minimize the use of verbal and telephone orders.

e. Use trade names instead of generic names to avoid confusion.


Mannitol (Osmitrol) has been ordered for a patient with acute renal failure. The nurse will administer this drug using which procedure?

a. Intravenously, through a filter

b. By rapid intravenous bolus

c. By mouth in a single morning dose

d. Through a gravity intravenous drip with standard tubing


A patient who has severe nausea and vomiting following a case of food poisoning comes to the urgent care center. When reviewing his medication history, the nurse notes that he has an allergy to procaine. The nurse would question an order for which antiemetic drug if ordered for this patient?

a. Metoclopramide (Reglan)

b. Promethazine (Phenergan)

c. Phosphorated carbohydrate solution (Emetrol)

d. Palonosetron (Aloxi)


What is the standard for safe medication administration?

Right patient, right drug, right time, right dose, right route


True or False People born before 1957 is require to take MMR?



What is the antidotes for Benzodiazepines?



A 52-year-old female patient is receiving medical treatment for a possible tuberculosis infection. The patient is a U.S. resident but grew-up in a foreign country. She reports that as a child she received the BCG vaccine (bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine). which test will always show positive.

PPD (Mantoux test)


Drug X has a half-life of 8 hours. If 800mg is administered at 1:00 A.M, how much of the drug would be eliminated after 24 hours?



The nurse will monitor a patient for signs and symptoms of hyperkalemia if the patient is taking which of these diuretics?

a. Hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL)

b. Furosemide (Lasix)

c. Acetazolamide (Diamox)

d. Spironolactone (Aldactone)


the nurse is teaching a patient who is starting antitubercular therapy with rifampin. which adverse effects would the nurse expect to see?

 Reddish- Orange Urine


You’re providing a free educational clinic to new moms about immunizations. You inform the attendees that the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine is given?

12 months and 4-6 years
