GI System
Blood Coagulation
Drugs Affecting Coagulation
Lipid Lowering Agents
The nurse explains that food moves through the esophagus using what type of movement?
What is peristalsis
What would the nurse identify as the end of the intrinsic pathway? a. Release of factor XI b. Thrombin formation c. Platelet aggregation d. Vasoconstriction
What is b
A patient is receiving warfarin. What would the nurse monitor to determine the effectiveness of therapy? a. PTT b. Vitamin K levels c. INR d. Whole blood clotting time e. PT
What is c, e
The obese patient is told that his lipid levels are elevated. What is the first intervention the nurse will anticipate the provider will order? a. Dietary change and exercise b. Atorvastatin c. Niacin d. cholestyramine
What is a. Dietary change and exercise
What is the most common reason high cholesterol levels are seen in children?
What is familial
What organs are classified as accessory organs? (must name all)
What is pancreas, liver, gallbladder
The nurse administers a thrombolytic agent to a patient diagnosed with an acute MI. What is a priority nursing diagnosis for this patient before and within the 1st hrs after drug administration? a. Ineffective cardiac tissue perfusion r/t coronary artery blockage b. Anxiety r/t diagnosis and treatment plan c. Risk for fluid volume excess r/t infusing IV fluids d. Impaired gas exchange r/t blood clot
What is a
What anticoagulant drug would be appropriate for the nurse to administer to a young child?
What is heparin
The nurse is teaching a class on healthy lifestyle choices, explains that elevated HDL levels are beneficial because of what action? a. Prevent absorption of fat in the small intestine by increasing bile secretion b. Block the effects of estrogen on development of coronary arteries c. Increase LDL metabolism and more rapid excretion in feces d. Pick up remnants of fat and cholesterol left in periphery by LDL breakdown
What is d. Pick up remnants of fat and cholesterol left in periphery by LDL breakdown
The nurse knows that the Fibrates are most effective in lowering which drug levels? a. Cholesterol b. Triglycerides c. HDL d. LDL
What is b
What assessment finding is the nurse likely to see in the patient experiencing acute stress? (must give rationale) a. reduced bowel sounds b. increased GI secretions c. decreasing sphincter tone d. increased GI muscle tone
What is a. reduced bowel sounds (digestion is not a priority during times of stress)
What would the nurse identify as the beginning of the intrinsic pathway? a. Release of factor XI b. Thrombin formation c. Platelet aggregation d. Vasoconstriction
What is d
The nurse is caring for a patient brought to the ED and diagnosed with an acute MI. Before administering the thrombolytic drug ordered by the provider, the nurse will assess for what contraindication to the drug? a. Renal disease b. B. liver disease c. Recent falls, closed head injuries, or invasive procedures d. Fever
What is Recent falls, closed head injuries, or invasive procedures
The nurse assesses the patients lab results and determines which one as being elevated? (select all that apply) a. total cholesterol of 210mg/dl b. triglyceride level of 160mg/dl c. LDL cholesterol of 180mg/dl d. HDL cholesterol of 38mg/dl
What is a. b. c
The nurse teaches the patient to mix cholestyramine with what liquids? (select all that apply) a. Fruit juices b. Seltzer water c. Water d. Soups e. cereals
What is all but answer b.
After teaching a group of students a group of students about substances that increase gastrin secretion, the nurse determines that additional teaching is necessary when the students identify what as one of the substances? (must give rationale) a. high levels of acid b. caffeine c. proteins d. alcohol
What is a. high levels of acid (this decreases the productions of gastrin)
The patient is receiving heparin. The aPTT control is 28 seconds. Which result would the nurse interpret as suggesting the need to reduce the heparin dosage? a. 38 seconds b. 98 seconds c. 42 seconds d. 70 seconds
What is b
The nurse is caring for a patient taking Warfarin whose PT is 4 times the control. What is the nurse’s best action, if ordered by the provider? a. Administer protamine sulfate b. Redraw another PT c. Administer the next dose of warfarin d. Administer vitamin K
What is d
The nurse teaches the patient about modifiable risk factors for CAD. Name 5 of them.
What is Diet, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, high stress levels, obesity, gout, HTN, DM, untreated bacterial infections, treatment with tetracycline and fluoroentgenography
The nurse admits a patient who has been taking bile acid sequestrants for the past year in order to control serum lipid levels and reduce risk for CAD. What assessment would the nurse perform related to the most common side effects of these drugs? a. Assess tympanic membrane for inflammation or edema b. Assess abdomen for rebound tenderness c. Assess breasts for lumps, tenderness, or drainage d. Assess abdomen for distention and bowel sounds
What is d. Assess abdomen for distention and bowel sounds
What occurs when the vomiting reflex in the chemoreceptor trigger zone is stimulated? a. increased gastric acid production b. decreased salivation c. increased mucous production d. decreased sympathetic system stimulation
What is c. increased mucous production
A nurse is caring for a patient who has hemophilia. What topic is most important to teach the patient during the discharge process?
What is teach to prevent injuries
What would a nurse expect to administer for heparin OD?
What is protamine sulfate
When an HDL package is broken down, many of these remnants remain in blood vessels, and begin as fatty streaks that turn into plague on the inner lumen of arteries. True or False (must explain)
What is false
The nurse knows that lipid lowering agents are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. However, if a lipid lowering agent is needed, which drug class is the drug of choice?
What is Bile acid sequestrant (colesevelam)