Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
What is the term used to describe the science that deals with the study of drugs and their actions on living organisms.
What is pharmacology
The study of interactions between drugs and their receptors and the series of evenrts that result in a pharmacologic response are called ______________.
What is pharmcodynamics.
Name 3 factors that affect drug therapy?
What is age, body weight, gender, metabolic rate, illness, psychology, tolerance, dependence, and cumulative effect.
What are the five steps to the nursing process?
What is (1) assessment, (2) nursing diagnosis, (3) planning, (4) implementation, (5) evaluation.
What are the three domains of learning?
What is cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.
What are the three names given to each drug?
What is (1) chemical name, (2) generic name, (3) brand name
Drugs act by forming chemical bonds with specific receptor sites. Drugs that attach to a receptor but do not stimulate response are called _____________.
What is an antagonists.
What three types of medications should not be crushed because is will increase their absorption rate and thus cause the potential for toxicity?
What is timed-released, enteric-coated, and sublingual tablets.
____________ is a clincal judgement about individual, family, or community responses to actual or potential health problems/ life processes.
What is a nursing diagnosis.
_________ domain is the thinking portion of the learning process, and it incorporates a person's previous experiences and perceptions.
What is the cognitive domain.
What organization is empowered by federal law to name the drugs for human use in the U.S.?
What is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The percutaneous route involves drugs being absorbed______ ____ _______ _____ ______ ________.
What is through the skin and mucus membranes.
What two age groups require special considerations for medication administration?
What is pediatric and geriatric patients.

Name the three parts of an actual nursing diagnosis.

What is (1) problem/a diagnostic label NANDA approved, (2) etiology/the contributing factors/causes (3)signs or symptoms/defining characteristics Ex:Anxiety r/t time constraints, threatened loss of social activities and anticipation of constant quizzing as evidenced by increased heart rate, quivering voice, and verbalization of “I am FREAKING OUT HERE!!!”

Which of the learning domains is often referred to as the "doing domain"?
What is the psychomotor domain.
The Controlled Substance Act consists of five classifications or schedules of controlled substances. What scheduled medications are considered to have a low potential for abuse as compared with drugs in schdule IV; because abuse potential is low, a prescription may not be required.
What is Schedule V Drugs.
The term __________ refers to the ways in which drugs are transported throughout the body by the circulating body fluids to the sites of action or to the receptors that the drug affects.
What is distribution.
If a physician writes for a medication for an "off-label use" what is the nurses responsibility?
What is cross-check/ double-check and document in the nurse'd note that the drug order was verified before the prescribed medication was administered.
____________ has been an evolving process and is described as "the incorporation of evidence from research, clinical expertise and patient preferences intodecisions about the health care of individual patients". Uses validated research to guide best care practices to improve patient outcomes.
What is evidence-based practice.
True or False Teaching requires a formal setting?
What is False. Some of the most effective teaching can be done while care is being delivered.
Even with new medications the FDA has ongoing safety reviews of medications and can issue ____________ which indicates very serious or potentially life-threatening problems.
What is a black box warning.
You administer Diflucan150mg with a half-life of 12 hours. The nurse explains to the patient that a certain percentage of the drug will remain in the body after 12 hours. What percentage remains in the body?
What is 75mg (50%).
What pregnancy category has been studied and demonstrates positive evidence of fetal abnormalities. The use of the medication is contraindicated in women who are pregnant or may become pregnant?
What is Pregnancy Category X.
____________ is an ongoing process that assess the pt's response to the medications prescribed, observes s/s, evaluates therapeutic effects or adverse effects, determines the pt's ability to receive pt education and to self administer medication, and note compliance.
What is evaluation.
If you are given a drug label that reads: Benadryl Diphenhydramine HCL 25mg What is the brand and generic name?
What is Benadryl (Brand) and Diphenhydramine (Generic)