What is the expiry requirements for vaccines
We must pull 30 days out of expiry date
Describe the minimum necessary standard means with regards to a patient's PHI
We can only disclose minimum necessary to complete the transaction ( either over the phone or in person)
What is POM 902?
Security of Pharmacy
What are the minimum PPE requirements when administering immunizations?
Can you split bill discount cards with insurance?
If you have a member who does not speak English, what is your first action?
What is: Point to a LEP flipchart
Give ONE example of one type of disclosure of PHI that should be logged in the accounting of disclosure log
Checkout error
Unintended PHI disclosure
Dispensing error
What are the hard copy requirements for CSRX?
Patient, Doctor, and Drug name
Patient and Doctor address, contact info
Exact quantity and formulation written
How do you properly oversee a technician when they are administering immunizations.
Rph review and verify everything on PQCF, Tech logs in to their Handheld, take device with them, validate DOB and Vaccine, Log in which arm and initial
If someone asks "Can you help me select a Medicare B plan?" can we help them select one Medicare plan over the other?
Where can you locate Medicare B rights and responsibilities?
1 Privacy practice notice
2 back of Rx leaflet3 Wire
Scenario: you have a member for checkout, but their prescription is not ready, they come back later, what should you NOT do
What is: look up their information in CONNEXUS
What is the required to be on the face of a CS Telemed RX and How often patient must seen by prescriber In person ?
1) Dx or Indication
2) Last in person visit must in 24 months for non opioid controls
In what situation would you find yourself contacting a standing order physician?
Who do you bill for an insulin pump and what are the requirements for the face of the prescription
Medicare B, It must say used via insulin pump and must document date of installation
Tray, Spatula with Red tape, and gloves is what SOP
What is USP 800
How do you report PHI SCRT for nine and below and ten and above?
Nine and below: Report via SCRT and HIPAA disclosure in Connexus
Ten and above: Report via EOC and contact market leader
How often do you have to complete Narcan counselling for Chronic Opioid Rx with MME of 120?
Every 6 months
What are the steps to be taken when needle stick occurs
Explain situation to patient, have them wait
Wash handsContact management
Give out Blood test form
Report to market leader and fill out SCRT
Scenario: if you have 27 out of 30 pills in stock and a member is being difficult (they want it ASAP), what are your options?
Partial fill, order the rest, and mail out OR Give them 27 and bill for 27
What policy/regulation is this: Serialization Compliance using receiving app to receive drugs by scanning each QR code of each item in tote to verify the product is properly serialized
What is DSCSA
What is POM 1625?
HIPAA disclosure in Connexus
You get a hardcopy Rx for tramadol, MME 40, sig says for dental pain on a Saturday. There are no other Red flags, Can you fill this Rx without contacting a prescriber ?
What are the steps in case of adverse event reactions after the administration of immunization.
Assess situation
Alert Pharmacy staff and Management
Call 911 when needed
Report SCRT and VEARS
Report to market leader
What is the timeframe for responding to Medicare beneficiary for a grievance or complaint
5 days to acknowledge and 14 days to resolve