True or False: You don't need a college degree to become a pharmacy technician.
What is True?
Degree Required: High School Diploma/GED
What is a Pharmacy Technician?
Degrees Required: MD-PharmMD-PHD-MPH
What is Industry Pharmacy?
After completing 2 or 4 years of college, you should be accepted to this school in order to earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree?
What is Pharmacy School?
Degree Required: PharmD
What is a Chain Community/ Retail Pharmacist?
Degrees Required: MS-MD-PharmMD-PHD
What is Pharmaceutical Researcher/Scientist?
True or False: If you want to earn a Doctor of Pharmacy, you must graduate from college with a science related major.
What is False?
Degree Required: PharmD + Cerft. ICVP
What is Veterinary Pharmacist?
Degree Required: PharmD
What is Nuclear Pharmacist?
This is the number of years that it takes to complete Pharmacy School.
What is 4 years?
Degree Required: PharmD
What is a Hospital Pharmacist?
Degrees Required: PharmD, PHD, PGY1, PGY2
What is an Academic Pharmacist?
After graduating from Pharmacy School, the next alternative step is to complete _________.
What is Residency?
Degree Required: PharmD
What is a Mail Order Pharmacist?
Degree Required: PharmD
What is a Consultant Pharmacist?