Leases and Applications
Marketing My Vacancy
Letters & Forms

Help! My vacancy posting is missing on Zillow! 

Send Transfer Macro in Intercom and transfer conversation to Tier 1 Non Live Queue


Help! My prospects don't see the option to apply to properties online!

Check General Settings > Online Posting Settings for 'Enable online applications and sending applications to guest cards', and then enable 'Allow prospective tenants to submit applications from website and internet listings'


Why can't I edit Marketing Description on this unit?

If a unit is assigned to a Unit Type you'll need to edit this field via the Unit Type. Navigate to the property page and along the top of the page select Unit Type.


I created a custom letter to send to one of our HoA's homeowners to inform them of changes to grass height requirements, but when I try to send it it's only letting me send the letter to owners of our rental properties. Why?

The client created an Owner Letter instead of an Association letter. They can recreate the letter using the New Association Letter task in order to send it to HoA residents.


I have an older outdated version of one of my inspection templates that we never use anymore is there a way to delete this?

From the navigation bar, click Maintenance > Inspections, Once you have located the template you wish to remove from the actions heading click "delete"


I want to request a refund for Limited Liability Insurance. 

Send Transfer Macro in Intercom and transfer conversation to V+


Prospects are applying online but are not required to pay the Application Fee. I'm losing money, can you help?

Go to General Settings > Rental Application Fees > Ensure 'Require Applicants to Pay Fee Online' is enabled. 


Why are there weird symbols showing up in my manually posted listing?

This is generally due to using bullet points in your Marketing Descriptions or elsewhere in the ad.  It is recommended to use dash marks instead.


I would like to create a letter to remind tenants of their delinquent charges, but I don't want to have to manually type the charge descriptions and amounts into every letter. Is there a way to make this easier?

Yes! They can use the <<Tenant Delinquent Charges (Itemized)>> insert field in a tenant letter to pull a tenant's current delinquent charges into the letter.


There is only one Texting field on my Work Order page. As a Maintenance Tech, how am I able to text both the Vendor and the Tenant about this work being done on the unit?

In the Texts widget on any Work Order page, you will be able to change conversations by selecting a different recipient from the dropdown menu. As long as both the Vendor and Tenant have a phone number input in AppFolio, they should both appear as separate conversation options.


I want to customize my website to separate vacancies by property type. Where can I make these changes? 

Create CSE Consult to check if client has APM powered website, if they do, transfer to Websites team.


How do I send an addendum after a lease has been fully executed?

Navigate to the tenant page and select Send Lease or Addendum task. The Send Lease or Addendum flow will provide drop downs for the addenda templates you wish to send, then click on the blue Prepare Lease button to generate the Addendum to send to the tenant portal or to print for wet signatures.


How do I post to my website?

From the unit or property page (if single family), you will select 'Post to Website'. As long as the HTML Widget is imbedded in their website, it will post the listing to their company website within 2 hours.


I want to print all of my tenant ledgers in bulk. Can I do that in AppFolio without having to access every single tenant page individually?

Navigate to Communication> Letters. Click New Tenant Letter, create a Name and select 'Tenant Ledger" from the Attached Reports dropdown, select Save & Close. Select the newly created Letter, click Search, click the Letters icon to generate a PDF of all Tenant Ledgers


An existing Work Order is currently assigned to a Maintenance Tech. Can I add a Property Manager User to also be assigned at the same time?

Yes! You can Edit the Work Order and add as many Users into the Assign To field as needed. Click Save when finished making these changes.


I added Blue Moon credentials but still need assistance with my Blue Moon Lease template.

Send Transfer Macro in Intercom and transfer conversation to Integrations


How do I move in a tenant?

Navigate to the unit or property and use the Move in Tenant task. Enter the tenant information manually, and follow the prompts, to add additional tenants, lease details, generate lease, and finish move in


How do I get listings onto my non- Appfolio website?

General Settings > Leasing > Online Posting Settings. The Vacancy Posting HTML Code can be copied to embed into the company website. Once embedded, any time you post a property/unit to the website, it will automatically post the listing to your website.


I have a lease that's 25 pages long and I don't want to recreate this as a template. I want to be able to upload the existing document and automatically pull information from the move in flow.

Go to Communication> Resident Forms and select the PDF Form Template task and click Add New PDF Form template. Name your lease and select the lease/addendum type and upload the PDF lease document. After uploading, you can customize this document to add insert fields and signatures.


I marked a Work Order as Complete, but we are still working on it. How can I change the "Status" of the work order back to in progress?

Within the Work Order, access the Actions menu and choose "Waiting" to clear the Completed status. 


I need to change my On-Call Maintenance Calendar ASAP! Where can I make this change?  

Create CSE consult to confirm client has Smart Maintenance. Once confirmed, send Transfer Macro in Intercom and transfer conversation to MCC 


My renewal notice letter doesn't show the correct rent amount. How can I fix it?

Send Transfer Macro and send to T2 Non Live


I don't want to spend more than $200 a month on premium leads for this property. Is there a way I can set a spending limit?

Yes, when they activate the property for premium leads they can set a monthly cap of $200 in the pop up window.


MY PDF Form is not available in the Move In Flow!

The PDF Form Template Type must be set to Lease Template to pull in the Move In Flow. You can navigate to Communication > Resident Forms, select PDF Form Templates Task to double check the Template Type. If the Template Type needs to be updated to Lease, please click on the carrot to expand the Template block and Duplicate the template as a Lease. Once this is completed, the PDF Form will show in the Move In Flow.


I have several inspections that I will need to conduct where there is no Internet. Can I save each one separately without losing my work on my phone?

Yes you can save all of the completed offline inspections by clicking the back arrow once each section is done. Offline Inspections will be stored on the mobile device for you to upload into the AppFolio system later once you are ready and have reliable wifi connectivity.
