Order in which you don PPE
What is gown, mask, goggles or face mask and gloves?
You use your eyes for this
What is inspection?
What is separation of a sutured wound?
Identifying the illness and providing treatment
What is secondary prevention?
Relating to or caused by an upright posture.
What is orthostatic hypotension?
Teach us how an incentive spirometer is to be used
What is inhaling and expanding the lungs?
Temperature, turgor, texture are assessed this way
What is by palpation?
What is organs protrude through the dehiscence?
Education to promote health and prevent disease
What is primary prevention?
The patient is able to make independent decisions.
What is autonomy?
Talk us through the application of a gait belt
What is snugly around the waist?
You always provide this for your patient
What is privacy?
Nursing intervention for dehiscence or evisceration
What is cover the wound and any organs with sterile towels soaked in sterile saline?
Preventing long-term challenges of disabilities
What is tertiary prevention?
A person who represents another person's interests.
What is advocate?
Explain where and why a quick release restraint knot will be tied
Where is on the bed frame for safety?
Language barrier. Get one of these.
What is an interpreter?
Stage 3 pressure injury
What is full thickness skin loss and exposed adipose tissue?
Three must haves for a sterile field
What are waist high or above, avoid talking, sneezing or coughing over, do not reach across, do not turn your back on it, make sure that sterile equipment does not touch the 1" border, only touch sterile equipment with sterile gloves on?
The degree to which you feel overwhelmed or unable to cope as a result of pressures that are unmanageable.
What is stress?
Talk us through situating a wheelchair near the bed for a transfer
What is place wheelchair right next to the bed with the patient's strong side near the chair and locked?
The bell side of the stethescope is used for
What are low pitched sounds?
Unstageable pressure injury
What is cannot determine the stage due to eschar or slough obstructing the wound?
Three cares for patient in restraints
What are do the following every 2 hours...assess skin integrity and provide skin care, offer nutrition, hygiene and toileting, monitor VS, determine if patient still needs restraints, document patient behavior/reason for restraints/alternate measures before using restraints?
A condition in which the airways and air sacs in the lung collapse or do not expand properly.
What is atelectasis?