DD Form 1354s
The latest version of the DD Form 1354
DD Form 1354, August 2013
The Army's real property assets appear on this financial statement
Balance Sheet
SHPO stand for this
State Historic and Preservation Office
General Fund Enterprise Business System
MFR stands for this
Memorandum for Record
On the DD Form 1354, March 2004 version, the Effective Date is also this data element
Placed-in-Service Date
Another name for book-to-floor validation
Existence Test
This agreement is used to identify the organization with lawful claim over an asset
Memorandum of Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, or Host/Tenant Agreement
Inspectors can help the RP team with all GFEBS entries except this one
Asset Review (AR) 05
The number of templates in the MFR Repository
The ------------ agent is required to prepare the DD Form 1354 for acceptance by the RPAO
Another name for floor-to-book validation
Completeness Test
On this KSD, the placed-in-service date is the transfer to line or the date completed line
DA Form 2877 and 5-51
This construction type code is listed as 02 in GFEBS
Semi-Permanent (SEMI)
The key difference between an interim and final DD Form 1354
Generally a final DD Form 1354 captures all costs related to the project
The auditor issues this opinion when the financial statements can be relied upon
Unmodified (clean) opinion
This KSD is used to record the demolition of an asset
DA Form 337
The real property office should run this report every month to perform a 100% review of key data elements and data fields in GFEBS
Monthly Change Report
The color of the fields that are instruction only and should be deleted on an MFR template
Real property offices should assign ------ numbers sequentially and file them by fiscal year
The four phases of the financial statement audit
Planning Phase, Control Phase, Test Phase, and Report Phase
This is an example of when the placed-in-service date for an asset is different from the acquisition date
When the asset is transferred from a non DoD US government entity to the Army
The names of the 3 primary levels in GFEBS when creating a new facility record
Building Level, Pooled Space Level, and Rental Space Level
The MFR templates follow guidelines from this Army regulation
AR 25-50 Preparing and Managing Correspondence