Food for Thought: Key Terms
Statistically Hungry
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Ripple Effects

What term describes the condition in which all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs?

What is Food Security?


What percentage of Australian households experienced food insecurity at least once in 2020?

What is 5%?


This recent global event has significantly disrupted food supply chains and increased food prices in Australia.

What is COVID-19?


This type of garden, often community-based, allows residents to grow their own fruits and vegetables, promoting self-sufficiency and access to fresh produce.

What is a community garden?


This common health issue, often exacerbated by food insecurity, can result from a lack of access to nutritious foods and is characterized by low energy levels and weakened immunity.

What is malnutrition?


This term refers to a situation where a person or community lacks sufficient access to food due to economic or physical barriers.

What is Food Insecurity?

This demographic group is reported to be more likely to experience food insecurity in Australia, often due to low income and employment instability.

What is single parent households?


Rising costs of these essential commodities have been a major factor contributing to food insecurity in Australia as of 2023.

What are fuel and/or energy prices?


This program partners with local farmers and food banks to redistribute surplus food, helping to reduce waste and provide food to those in need.

What is food rescue?


Children experiencing food insecurity are at a higher risk of this developmental issue, which can lead to difficulties in school performance and social interactions.

What are learning difficulties?


In the context of food security, this concept refers to the availability of food at all times, ensuring that food is present in adequate quantities for all populations.

What is Food Availability?


According to a 2021 report, what proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households experienced food insecurity compared to non-Indigenous households?

What is 27%?


This term refers to the practice of low-income households often purchasing cheaper, less nutritious food options due to limited financial resources, exacerbating food insecurity.

What is food poverty/food deserts?


This government initiative provides financial assistance to low-income families, allowing them to purchase healthier food options and improve their overall nutrition.

What is the healthy eating voucher program?


This psychological effect, often experienced by those facing food insecurity, can lead to anxiety and stress related to accessing adequate food supplies.

What is food anxiety?


This term is used to describe the quality and nutritional value of food, which must meet dietary needs for health and well-being as part of food security.

What is Food Quality?


In Australia, food insecurity has been linked to a higher prevalence of this health issue, which affects nearly one in three adults experiencing food insecurity.

What is obesity?


The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) has highlighted this number of Australians as living below the poverty line, significantly impacting food security issues.

What is 3.24 million?


This educational approach focuses on teaching families about nutrition, cooking skills, and budgeting to help them make informed food choices, ultimately aiming to reduce food insecurity.

What is food literacy education?


Food insecurity can contribute to a higher prevalence of this chronic disease, linked to poor dietary choices and lack of access to healthy foods, affecting millions of Australians.

What is type 2 diabetes?


This phrase describes the ability of individuals or communities to obtain food that is culturally appropriate and meets their social and dietary needs as part of food security.

What is Food Sovereignty? 

The Australian government has set this percentage as a target reduction for food waste by 2030, aligning with broader food security goals.

What is 50%?


This initiative, launched by the Australian government in response to food insecurity, aims to provide nutritional support and reduce food waste in vulnerable communities.

What is the Food Security Strategy?


This strategy emphasizes collaboration among government, non-profit organizations, and the private sector to create a sustainable food system that addresses the root causes of food insecurity in Australia.

What is the National Food Security Strategy?


This term refers to the cycle where food insecurity leads to poor health outcomes, which in turn can cause individuals to lose employment or incur high medical costs, perpetuating the struggle for access to adequate food.

What is the cycle of poverty?
