Alcohol & Influences
Mental Health
Support & Resources

Age limit to legally buy alcohol in the U.S.



what is the definition of mental health 

The health of a person’s mind, thoughts and feelings


What are minors rights?

rights refer to the involvement of parents and/or caregivers for people 12 years of age and up in accessing resources (i.e., birth control, mental health counseling), you do not need parents permission


The part of the body that is most affected by a young person drinking alcohol is

The Brain 

What might cause young people to struggle with their mental health?

homework, responsibilities at home, relationship struggles, personal or family illness, divorce, loss of a family member/friend, trauma, stress, expectations, social media, 


Name a technique for active listening 

focus attention, face the person, clarifying questions, summarize, reflect, do not interrupt, make eye contact, nonverbal affirmations, verbal affirmations


Name 3 harm reduction strategies for drinking

1. Substitute drinks for beverages that have low or no alcohol

2. Eat something


4. Use ride share services

5. Drink water/ stay hydrated

6. Choosing to go out with people you feel safe around

7. Set and setting


How would you know if someone was struggling with their mental health?

mood swings, personality/ behavior changes, anger, worry, sadness, stress, anxiety, irritable, isolated, sensitive, argumentative, shyness, withdrawn/isolation, substance misuse, fatigue/ sleep problems, food problems


What is something a friend/adult said or did that was helpful or supportive?

validation, how you feel makes sense and is understandable, it will get better, this moment too shall pass, you got this


What is the Good Samaritan Law

grants limited immunity to people under 21 seeking emergency assistance in substance-related incidents. You will not get in trouble!!!


Name 3 types of mental illness

Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, Bipolar 1, Bipolar 2, Schizophrenia, Borderline personality disorder, ADHD, Narcissism 


What is stigma?

A set of negative or unfair beliefs or stereotypes about a group of people that is used to put them down.


Name some examples of what might influence young people to use substances 

1. Peer pressure/ friends

2. social media

3. music

4. celebrities/ influencers

5. try/ experiment new things

6. struggling with mental health

7. movies/ tv shows 

8. targeted marketing 

9. family/ friends/ community


Name 3 types of healthy coping strategies

reading, listening to music, going outside/ on a walk, exercise/ play sports, meditation, yoga, journaling, drink water, talking to a trusted friend, art, playing an instrument, hanging out with loved ones or pets


What are 3 barriers to accessing resources for health?

stigma, money, transportation, time, knowledge, not having the skills, safety, technology
