He is considered the founder of phenomenology?
Who is Edmund Husserl
They developed the grounded theory method
Who are Glaser and Strauss
Phenomenology seeks to describe _____, while grounded theory aims to develop a theory.
lived experience
This ensures no new data is needed in grounded theory
What is Saturation
The direct description of experience without interpretation
What is phenomenological reduction
Phenomenology is the study of how individuals make sense of their own _______
What are experiences
Grounded Theory develops theories based on systematically collected ______ data
What is Qualitative
This method primarily uses interviews and first-person accounts to explore human experiences
What is Phenomenology
The process that involves breaking data into concepts
What is Coding
The categories or themes that emerge during the research process.
What are concepts
"Phenomenology, if practiced well, enthralls us with insights into the ______ of life as we experience it."
- Max van Manen
What is meaning
The type of sampling that is used in grounded theory
What is Theoretical Sampling
The type of research that often involves coding data into themes before constructing a theoretical framework
What is Grounded theory
In Phenomenology, researchers focus on the participants' _____ to understand their lived experiences.
What are perspectives
The systematic and repeated comparisons of data to generate theories.
What is the constant comparative method
This phenomenologist emphasized "to let that which shows itself be seen from itself in the very way in which it shows itself from itself"
Who is Martin Heidegger
In grounded theory, the term that describes the process of continuing data collection until no new concepts emerge
What is theoretical saturation
The approach that relies on bracketing to reduce biases
What is Phenomenology
In Phenomenology, _____ is the process that aims to explore a person's lived experience and gain an understanding of its deeper meaning.
What is interpretive analysis
A central theme that links and explains the categories in Grounded Theory.
What is the core category
The idea that consciousness is always directed toward something; there is no thought without an object
What is intentionality
Grounded Theory researchers aim to develop ____, which explains patterns or processes observed in the data.
what is theory
The method that uses open, axial, and selective coding
What is Grounded theory
In grounded theory, this type of coding is used to refine and focus on important categories.
What is axial
The philosophical concept central to phenomenology, meaning "bracketing" or suspending judgment?
What is Epoché