What Does EGPAF Stand For
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation
What Year Was AEPhi Founded
What Are AEPhi's Colors
Green and White
This Sister Studies Russian
Grace G
What Does Sharsheret Fight Against
Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Which Semester Do We Support EGPAF
Where Was AEPhi Founded
Barnard College
What is AEPhi's Jewel
Name Three Sisters that Studied in London
What is One Event we Host in Support of Sharsheret
Phi Hoops
An event we host in support of EGPAF
Glazed For Glaser
How Many Women Founded AEPhi
What is Our Open Motto
Multa Corda Una Causa, Many Hearts One Purpose
Isabella and Caroline
What Semester Do We Support Sharsheret
Why Was EGPAF Founded
Elizabeth Glaser contracted HIV in a blood transfusion in 1981 while giving birth to her daughter, Ariel. She and her husband, Paul, later learned that Elizabeth had unknowingly passed the virus on to Ariel through breast milk and that their son, Jake, had contracted the virus in utero.
Why Was AEPhi Founded
AEPhi was founded on the principle of inclusion of Jewish women in sorority life with the vision of a sorority for exceptional women of all backgrounds, interests, and beliefs to be welcomed and supported with open arms.
What Will the New Member Class Be Called
Name A Sister Who is A Member of CHAARGE
Why Does Sharsheret Support Jewish Women
1 in 40 Ashkenazi Jews – men and women – carries a BRCA gene mutation, more than 10x the rate of the general population, making Jewish families significantly more susceptible to hereditary cancer,
Who Founded EGPAF
AEPhi Alumna Elizabeth Glaser alongside her two close friends Susan and Susie
What Day Was AEPhi Founded
October 24
How Many Active Sisters are in the Chapter
This Sister Works as A Barista In Union Station
Maggie S
Who Founded Sharsheret
Rochelle L. Shoretz A”H