What does LIOB stand for
Love in our bond
What are Phi Mu's Colors
Rose and White
What is our chapters charter name
Epsilon Pi
Who is our current chapter president
What 3 things is the creed based on
Love,Honor, Truth
Who are the founders of Phi Mu fraternity?
Mary Myrick Daniels
Martha Hardaway Redding
Mary DuPont Lyons.
Phi Mu's National Philanthropy
Children's Miracle Network Hospital
Name some philanthropy events our chapter does
Milkshakes for miracles, bear drive, trunk or treat with fosters, bake sale
How do you submit your points?
On Flare
When was the creed of phi mu adopted
name of mascot
sir fidel
Phi Mu was first founded as a
Philomathian Society
What day is your bill due on each month?
By the 10th
True or False: Everything becomes mandatory for y'all once you become an active member
what is the creed first stanza
To lend those less fortunate a helping hand.
To think of God as a protector and guide of us all.
To keep forever sacred the memory of those we have loved and lost.
To be to others what we would they would be to us.
To keep our lives gentle, merciful and just, Thus being true to the womanhood of love.
What is our symbol?
What is the date of our founders day
January 4th, 1852
What day are our chapter meetings on?
Name 3 committees that you can be on
Sisterhood,Social,Performance, Phi Committee, Recruitment, etc.
What is the creed second stanza
To walk in the way of honor, guarding the purity of our thoughts and deeds.
Being steadfast in every duty small or large.
Believing that our given word is binding. Striving to esteem the inner man above culture, wealth or pedigree.
Being honorable, courteous, tender, Thus being true to the womanhood of honor.
What is Phi Mu's motto?
Les Soeurs Fideles (The faithful Sisters)
Where phi mu's national headquarters
Peachtree city GA
How many service hours are you required to complete each semester?
5 Hours
What all needs to be done by the 20th in order for you to be initiated?
What is the creed third stanza
To serve in the light of truth avoiding egotism, narrowness and scorn.
To give freely of our sympathies.
To reverence God as our Maker, striving to serve Him in all things.
To minister to the needy and unfortunate. To practice day by day love, honor, truth. Thus keeping true to the meaning, spirit and reality of Phi Mu.