Phi Sigma Pi was founded in
When is 1916
What does the tripod include
what is scholarship, fellowhship, leadership
What does PVSA stand for
What is President's Volunteer Service Award
What is Valentines Day
In Phi Sigma Pi we commit ourselves to
what is social service
what are the 3 levels for the reward
What is Bronze, Silver, & Gold
In what year did Phi Sigma Pi became National
When in 1922
What are the colors of our organization
What is purple, gold, yellow, and white
How many house do you need to serve to receive the bronze award
What year did women become eligible to join
What is 1977
What is the name of the Lamp found on the current Coat of Arms
What is the Lamp of Knowledge
When can hours be submitted
Phi Sigma Phi was founded at
What is is the State Teachers College-Warrenburg
Which Greek God was found on the 1916 Coat of Arms?
Who is Hermes
what is 500+