Used to ask the parliamentarian a question on proper parliamentary procedure
What is Point of Inquiry?
The fraction of the brotherhood that need to vote yes to induct an initiate
What is 3/4?
To revote after a motion has passed
What is Reconsider?
Partially Active Brother
What is :
parliamentarians initiate class
What is Beta Omega?
Used if you want to ask a question on the topic at hand
What is Point of Information?
the first step to make a motion
What is "I move that"
To bring back a motion for new debate and consideration
What is Renew
Fully Inactive Brother
What is:
What are Letters?
Used if you would like to ask a question that affects the rights of someone
What is Point of Privilege
The purpose of Parliamentarian procedure
What is make the meetings run more efficiently
To set aside meeting formality
What is Suspend the Rules
The exec board does
What is:
shall have the power to act on behalf of Omicron Chapter on matters of immediate importance. The Executive Board shall have the power to excuse members with extenuating circumstances from some or all membership requirements. The Executive Board will put aside $100 for an incentive program and decide how to use/spend that money at the first Exec meeting of the semester.
Why are the PSP national constitution and bylaws important to our chapters
what is... idk you tell me
Used to answer a question or provide information.
What is Point of Clarification?
When passed bylaws go into effect
right away
To set current issue being debated aside for a period of time
What is Lay on the Table
Appoints committee chairs
Who is the Vice President
Mid semester review
What is... you tell me its kinda long to type
Used if you notice a problem or violation of the rules
What is Point of Order?
The requirements of a brother
What are:
1. Pay Omicron Chapter Dues
2. Attend all mandatory meetings
3. Attend both the Initiation Pinning and Formal Induction Ceremonies
4. Attend all semesterly Initiate meet nights/ recruitment nights that are required
5. Participate in fundraising
6. Serve on at least one (1) permanent committee each semester
7. Make the proper number of points laid out in Chapter Operating Policies
8. Attend and Participate in/ attend the major Brother At Large Event
9. Participate in/ attend one (1) Inclusive Basketball per Semester
To set aside issue for eternity
What is Postpone Indefinitely
Cannot run for Exec
What is
A. Brothers on academic probation
B. Inactive and partially inactive brother
C. Brothers that have been in the fraternity less than a semester (excluding CIA)
The order of succession of command to preside over the meeting
What is President, Vice President, Parliamentarian, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Initiate Advisor, Webmaster, Interchapter relations chair, BAL