When was Phi Sigma Sigma Founded?
What does the Phi sigma Sigma organization support?
School and College readiness
what is our mascot?
The Sphynx
Who is the new member educator?
Neviya Reed
Where was Phi Sigma Sigma founded?
Hunter College in New York
What is the local impact that Phi Sigma Sigma does?
Volunteer at Kramer Elementary
What are our colors?
Royal Blue and Gold
What do we call the position of president in the Formal chapter?
Phi Sigma Sigma is the first what?
What are the values of the Iota Tau Chapter?
Family, Emotional Wellbeing, Authenticity, Loyalty, and
What is our flower?
The American Beauty Rose
What is the position that handles finances and dues called?
10 Women
What are the chapter's national values?
Friendship, Faith, Love, Sincerity, Integrity, and Strength
What is our gemstone?
the sapphire
In what year was the DEI Chair added to the executive board?
What is the motto? Hint it is not actually once always
Aim High (Diokete Hupsula)
What does Phi Sigma Sigma Strive for?
the betterment of mankind and the alleviation of the world's suffering.
What does LITP stand for and what does it relate to?
Love in the Pyramid, symbolized by our hand sign.
How many positions are on the executive board?