SCL is the acronym for the space that offers research assistance and services for those in the humanities, social sciences, fine arts, and environmental studies.
Scott Library
Christine likes to start her mornings with an energy drink, specifically Alani. This flavor is her favourite.
The names of the two TTC Subway stations that take you to York University.
York University, Pioneer Village
These two individuals are our department’s assigned First Aiders
Nisha Khan and Manpreet Bola
This is Matthew’s email address.
This acronym, WSC, refers to a building at York University that houses Parking & Transportation Services, Security Services, and the YU Card Office, among other student services.
William Small Centre
Nisha listens to these types of podcasts (and will be participating in her first one in January!)
Dungeons and Dragons
This is the extension you’d use to call facilities.
Henry Jackman’s office is located here.
Ross Building, S434
This is the name of Mike’s dog.
BCSS is the acronym for a key center on campus that offers a variety of services to support student success and well-being.
Bennett Centre for Student Services
In May 2024, Manpreet broke this bone while participating in this activity.
Cuboid/ankle bone and skateboarding
This is the room where you can pick up final exam booklets.
Vari Hall 1005
Our new section of AP/MODR 1770 Section T, will be instructed by this course instructor.
Hilary Davis
This academic lead held a post-doctoral fellowship with the Biomedical Ethics Unit in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University.
Duff Waring
This acronym, FRQ, refers to a 70,000 sq. ft. building at York University that was renovated to accommodate teaching laboratories and postgraduate CL-2 research spaces, and is one of the school’s original structures.
Farquharson Life Sciences Building
Debbie took a week off at the beginning of this month to travel to this US state.
New Jersey
York University was established in this year.
Kristin Andrews and Brian Huss' 5-year-old named Riddle, is this breed of dog.
This academic lead works on early modern European philosophy, focusing in particular on John Locke and Ralph Cudworth.
Matthew Leisinger
This building at York University, abbreviated "MB," was named after two donors who contributed $8 million to expand the Schulich School of Business facilities.
Rob and Cheryl McEwen Graduate Study & Research Building
Christine recently bought this self-cleaning water bottle, known for its UV-C light technology.
Larq water bottle
Name 5 out of the 9 colleges at York University
Bethune, Calumet, Founders, Glendon, Mclaughlin, New, Stong, Vanier, Winters
Our Cognitive Science Speaker Series are typically held on this day of the week, starting at this time, and in this room.
Wednesdays, 12:30, in Ross S421
This academic lead has an upcoming publication: The Normativity of Law (Cambridge University Press, 2025)
Michael Giudice