Phillip's Birthday (Month, Day, Year)
What is February 14, 1991?
Nan's middle name
Will need to verify :)
The specific type of creature Gollum is
What is a Stoor Hobbit?
The movie that Prince Charming appears in
What is Cinderella?
The length of time that Genie was cooped up in the magic lamp
10,000 years
Phillip's Middle Name
What is Steven?
Janet's middle name
What is Kay?
What the elves call Gandalf
What is Mithrandir?
The name of the city in Big Hero 6
What is San Fransokyo?
The Disney character who makes a cameo as a stuffed animal in Frozen?
Who is Mickey Mouse?
Phillip's favorite place to buy clothes
What is Amazon?
Bob's middle name
Need to verify :)
In the books, how old Frodo is when he leaves The Shire to destroy the Ring
What is 50?
What is her left foot?
The number of kids Gaston wants to have with Belle
What is 6 or 7?
One of Phillip's favorite PC games
Will need to verify... only know of Rocket League!
Pam's middle name?
Will need to verify :)
The name of Saruman's tower in Isengard
What is Orthanc?
Boo's real name from Monster's Inc
What is Mary?
The maker of the iconic glass slipper for the live-action version of Cinderella starring Lily James?
Who is Swarovski?
Phillips favorite era and genre of music
What is late 90s early 2000s alternative rock?
Harper's middle name
What is Anne?
Who forged the three Elven rings, Nenya, Narya, and Vilya
Who is Celebrimbor?
The name of the prince in Snow White
Who is Prince Florian?
The number of brothers that Prince Hans has
What is 12?