What year did Mamaw and Papa get married?
What movie did we watch in theaters for Tyler's 7th birthday?
Iron Man 3
What year did the Broncos win the 50th Super Bowl?
What year did Supernatural first air?
What day and year was Diesel born?
July 30, 2009
What year did dad move to New Mexico?
In chronological order, what movie is the first in the MCU?
Captain America: The First Avenger
Who was Peyton Manning's first NFL team?
Indianapolis Colts?
What year did The Falcon and the Winter Soldier become available on Disney+?
What name did Rani originally want to give Dotty?
How old will mom be in 2047?
What was the top grossing movie in 2022
Top Gun: Maverick
How many times have the Cowboys won the Super Bowl?
How many season of Dexter are there? Not including the new spin off season.
How old was Lilli when we got her?
9 weeks
What actor, who has 3 daughters, is in both the MCU and DCEU?
Ryan Reynolds
How many seasons was Ben Roethlisberger a Quarterback for the Steelers?
What is the name of the actor who plays Rick in The Walking Dead?
Andrew Lincoln
What day and year did we bring Doug and Bandit home?
May 5, 2019
How many piercings does Rani have?
What movie came out in 2016, starring Dave Franco, Emma Roberts, and Machine Gun Kelly?
Who is considered the best Quarterback of all time (according to the NFL)?
Tom Brady 🤢🤮
How many episodes of Breaking Bad are there?
What two pets in the family share a birthday? (Not Doug and Bandit).