Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Mary Wollstonecraft

Describe Hobbes state of nature.

What is men are evil, selfish, or greedy!

What does Locke suggest about natural rights?
What is Locke suggests that natural rights are freedoms that everyone is born with.
What is the separation powers?
What is the idea that the powers of government are divided amongst different branches or parties or entities.
What is a social contract?
What is the rules and conditions we agree to as a society!

What was Mary’s argument, what did she fight for?

What is females should recieve the same education as males, Universal education.

Describe Hobbes belief on limited government.
What is Hobbes doesn't believe there should be any limits on government.
What is popular sovereignty?
What is the right for every person to participate in government by voting!

What are all the branches and their roles?

What is executive (enforce the law), legislative (makes and changes the law, and judicial (interprets the law/ settles disputes).

What is civil society?
What is once we leave state of nature, we use rules of justice instead of impulse to form a society.

What was her Ultimate Goal?

What is for women to gain the same rights and abilities as men through the application of reason.

What is the relationship between the state of nature, state of war, and limited government?
What is man's state of nature is greedy and selfish - which leads him to always be in a state of war, which is why he needs a unlimited government!
Does John Locke believe in consent of the governed?
What is yes!
Why does Montesquieu believe in the separation of powers?
What is because if the power is in the hands of one person or entity, they may become tyrannical.

What does the social contract imply about the way we all treat each other?

What is that we should all treat one another in an equal manner.


When did women gain full right to vote?

What is 1928.

What would Hobbes say about baseball players taking steroids?
What is applying the concepts of state of nature of man & a state of war to the situation. One of many answers!
Why is the Tienanmen Square massacre an example of violating natural rights?
What is because the students were protesting, which is a natural right.
If Montesquieu was present during Rosa Park's historical bus ride, what might have been his response?
What is that all people are equal under the law, and all citizens receive fair treatment.
What does Rousseau mean when he says that "When we return to civil society, we regain moral freedom..."
What is that people self-regulate their actions with morals.

What did the people at the Seneca Falls Convention gather for?

What is to promote women’s right and suffrage.

Name three differences between Hobbes and Locke.
What is state of nature, electing a government, and many other possible answers!
Does this seem like a John Locke quote? Why? All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.
What is yes!
According to Montesquieu, why must there be an elected government?
What is because people are collectively unfit.
What would Rousseau say about MLK's ideas? Would he agree with him or disagree with him? Why?
What is agree because of equality of rights!

In the Seneca Falls Convention, 1848, in the “Declaration of Sentiments”, what did the organizers declare and demand?

What is “All men and women are created equal”, and the right to vote/ hold office, hold property and manage income, and be legal guardians of children.  
