Aesthetic studies..
..beauty & art
Who initially developed logic?
Were was Philosophy born?
Nature is?
What is a Dogma?
A Dogma is something that acording to that religion its an absolute truth that the believers of its religion must follow and accept.
Cultural anthropology studies..
.. It studies the customs, beliefs and ways of life of the different peoples that exist on our planet.
According to Pythagoras, philosophy is not to have absolute truth, but..
..to pursue knowledge.
The 4 Ages of Philosophy are:
Ancient, Middle, Modern and Contemporary Ages.
Hapiness can only be gained?
in society.
Why does Pilosophy refuses Dogmas?
Because Philosophy refuses the absolute truth as it believes that there is no truth that can escape reason
What does logic study
It studies reasoning
None, he wrote no books and his influence on the Greek thinking was enourmous.
In an attempt to clarify the origin and foundation of human knowledge, the Modern Age developed two distinct philosophical currents: rationalism and..
The human being has always been part of?
Tomas de Aquino believed that faith and reason..
are independent, they are not incompatible but complementary
Ethics studies..
Who explained the two uses of reason.
Immanuel Kant
What issue does existentialism attach importance to?
Human Existence
The universe has always?
What was the Patristic?
It was the defense of the Christian faith against the attacks that this new religion suffered in its beginnings.
Metaphysics studies...
Name a female philosopher in the anthropological turn of the century V B.C
Hiparquia, Apasia, Apatia.
What was Hellenism?
An era that takes place after the death of Alexander the Great.
Ethics is meant to?
guide us.
What is Scholasticism
Christian philosophy that developed in medieval schools.