The Greek word “Logos” is roughly translated into English as:
All of the Above
4. All of the above
The Greek word “Episteme” is most closely associated with which of the following English words:
4. Knowledge
What does “Metaphysika'' mean?
Using physics
Before physics
After or beyond physics
Physical science
3. After or beyond physics
The difference between Ethics and Morality is that:
Ethics is the practice of right action and Morality is the theory of right action
Ethics is the theory of right action and Morality is the practice of right action
Ethics is the practice of wrong action and Morality is the theory of wrong action
Ethics is the theory of wrong action and Morality is the practice of wrong action
2. Ethics is the theory of right action and Morality is the practice of right action
The idea that people are naturally selfish and destructive is most in line with which of the following philosophers?
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Jean Jacques Rousseau
1. Thomas Hobbes
All humans are mortal; Socrates is a human; Therefore Socrates is mortal; is an example of which of the following?
Deductive Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning
None of the Above
1. Deductive Reasoning
When we gain knowledge through our sense-experience; we refer to that as what type of knowledge?
A posteriori (Empirical)
A priori (Non-Empirical)
1. A posteriori (Empirical)
What two components did Aristotle say that Free Will consisted of?
Freedom of Choice & Freedom of Action
Freedom of Love & Freedom of Hate
Freedom of Speech & Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Good & Freedom of Bad
1. Freedom of Choice & Freedom of Action
Deontological Ethics is the theory and practice of right action according to:
Net gain/harm from an action
A clear set of rules or moral code
Whether or not the action is deemed virtuous
None of the above
2. A clear set of rules or moral code
The idea that people are naturally good and wise and that society is what corrupts them is most in line with which of the following philosophers?
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Jean Jacques Rousseau
3. Jean Jacques Rousseau
Socrates is a human; since Socrates is not immortal; all humans must be mortal; is an example of which of the following?
Deductive Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning
None of the Above
2. Inductive Reasoning
When we gain knowledge through analyzing concepts independent of experience; we refer to that as what type of knowledge?
A posteriori (Empirical)
A priori (Non-Empirical)
2. A priori (Non-Empirical)
Plato in his Theory of Forms believed the forms are arranged in the following hierarchy (high to low)
Concept, Form, Entities, Imitation of Entities
Entities, Form, Imitation of Entities, Concept
Imitation of Entities, Entities, Concept, Form,
Form, Concept, Entities, Imitation of Entities
4. Form, Concept, Entities, Imitation of Entities
Consequential Ethics is the theory and practice of right action according to:
Net gain/harm from an action
A clear set of rules or moral code
Whether or not the action is deemed virtuous
None of the above
1. Net gain/harm from an action
The idea that people are naturally “blank slates” that are equally capable of good and bad is most in line with which of the following philosophers?
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Jean Jacques Rousseau
2. John Locke
Which statement is an example of a paradox?
The more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know
When heat and humidity mix, it creates thunderstorms
Remote learning offers students the ability to work from home
None of the above
1. The more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know
In the Theory of Forms; Plato introduces the idea that there are two worlds; what does he call these two worlds?
Physical & Material
Spiritual & Simulacra
Physical & Spiritual
None of the above
3. Physical & Spiritual
The main point that Plato is trying to make in his Theory of Recollection is the idea that the human soul is both ____________ & ______________
eternal & immortal
Virtue Ethics is the theory and practice of right action according to:
Net gain/harm from an action
A clear set of rules or moral code
Whether or not the action is deemed virtuous
None of the above
3. Whether or not the action is deemed virtuous
According to Hobbes; the primary purpose of government was to impose order. Because of this, Thomas Hobbes favored which type of government?
Direct democracy
Representative Democracy or Democratic Republic
Absolute Monarchy
3. Absolute Monarchy
The “Law of Identity” states that:
A IS A. or Everything is the same as itself; or a statement cannot remain the same and change its truth value.
A AND NOT A. Nothing can both exist and not exist at the same time and in the same respect; a statement cannot be true and false simultaneously
A OR NOT A. Something either exists or does not exist; every statement is either true or false; there is no in between
Formal & Informal Logic
1. A IS A. or Everything is the same as itself; or a statement cannot remain the same and change its truth value
What is the difference between subjective truth & objective truth?
Subjective truth is truth based on your perspective, thoughts, beliefs, etc. while objective truth is truth regardless of your perspective, thoughts, etc.
Objective truth is truth based on your perspective, thoughts, beliefs, etc. while subjective truth is truth regardless of your perspective, thoughts, etc
All of the above
None of the above
1. Subjective truth is truth based on your perspective, thoughts, beliefs, etc. while objective truth is truth regardless of your perspective, thoughts, etc.
The concept of Karma is a:
Belief justifying Free Will
Belief justifying Determinism
2. Belief justifying Determinism
In Virtue Ethics, the best action is found between two vices. Because this best action is between two extremes, this action is also known as:
Golden Mean
Platinum Mean
Golden Medium
Golden Rule
1. Golden Mean
According to Locke; the primary purpose of government was to enforce and protect the natural rights of people. Because of this, John Locke favored which type of government?
Direct democracy
Constitutional monarchy with Parliament/Representative democracy
Absolute monarchy
2. Constitutional monarchy with Parliament/Representative democracy