Creation by craftsman also sacrifice of God
What is Deus Faber?
Morally good and bad (right and wrong).
What is Ethics?
Identifying the necessary and jointly sufficient conditions.
What is conceptual analysis?
love of wisdom.
What is philosophy?
State of alarm agitation or dismay.
What is consternation motif?
Who is Socrates?
The study of laws of thought and correct reasoning.
What is logic?
When someone makes a claim of the form, "all X are Y."
What is counterexample?
First rule of philosophy.
What is defining your terms?
Study of the orgin and adoption of words.
What is Etymology?
Professional tutors who thought that applying rational thinking to metaphysical issues was useless.
Who are the sophists?
The relationship between mind and matter.
What is Metaphysics?
Involves imagining a counterfactual reality that has various factors.
What is thought experiments?
A human action that all of the goals approve of.
What is Pious?
Showing respect of attesting to the worth.
What is homage?
We develop "truths" because its handy for us.
What are pragmatism?
The study of beauty and taste.
What is aesthetics?
Self evident logical truth that holds well formulated and unambiguous proposition.
What is the principle if noncontradiction?
People who theorized about the nature of reality and sought to replace supernatural explanation with naturalistic explanations.
Who are the naturalists? (Thales and Anaximander)
Usually depicted as creation by speaking or breathing.
What is ex nihilo?
Terms don't refer to real things rather just words.
What is nominalism?
The understanding of philosophy.
what is Epistemology?
The method of showing that a thesis or proposition results in a contraction or absurdity.
What is reductio ad absurdum?
Discourse word or reason.
What is Logos?