Love of or search for wisdom; quest to understand the meaning of life
What is philosophy?
Classrooms should be oriented toward the teacher who should serve as an intellectual and moral role model for the students
The mind should be trained to analyze experience thoughtfully ad draw conclusions objectively
Who is a progressivists?
A traditional way meant to train the mind which promotes reasoning and ensures a common culture
What is back-to-basics?
Spend considerable time mastering reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic
What is a perennialist classroom?
Believed students facing a changing world should master the scientific method?
Who is John Dewey?
Organize schools around books, ideas, concepts and criticized essentials
What is perennialism?
Children work in small groups, get to move about and talking freely
What is a progressive classroom?
Schools focus on reforming society, and idea that caught the imagination and sparked the ideals of educators in the country and abroad?
Hint: student of John Dewey
Who is George Counts?
The purpose of education is to help children find the meaning and direction in their lives - reject notion that adults should/could direct meaningful learning for children
What is existentialism?
Teacher creates lessons that both intellectually inform and emotionally stir students about the inequities that surround them
What is a social reconstructionist classroom?
A more inclusive curriculum that offers all students a shared knowledge - a common curriculum
Who is E.D. Hirsch Jr.?
Belief that free will is an illusion and that human beings are shaped entirely by their environment
Subject matter takes place to helping students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals
What is a existentialist classroom?
Schools should be staffed by skilled teachers in facilitating children to reach their personal goals - students assume primary responsibility for their own learning