Can I get some of that René sauce?
Absence makes the Smart (and Nagel) grow fonder
The name's Identity, Personal Identity
This is the Life
Philosophy Adjacent

The English translation of the phrase 'Cogito Ergo Sum'

What is, I think, therefore I am?

The definition of Qualia

What is, the subjective quality of Experience?/ What it's likeness?


The name of the two thought experiments Michaels uses to prove the involvement of both the mind and body when defining the self 

What is, the Schwanda scenario, and Dr Nefarious and the Terrible Tortures?


What Aristotle says the Good life is and why

What is, The good life is the Happy life. Happiness is final, self sufficient and is the end of action?


The name of the weekly Google Classroom post Mr Kerlin makes to distract from the trials and tribulations of doing philosophy 

What is, the Philosophy Funny?


Descartes definition of the Mind and Body 

What is, the body is an extended non thinking thing, and the mind is a thinking un-extended thing? 


The meaning of the phrase 'ignoratio elenchi'

Which is Smart's rebuttal to the Objection of Physical Space: An after image is a mental phenomenon, a brain process isn't, therefore they are distinct

What is, When something sounds relevant but isn't?

Smart doesn't argue that an after image is a brain process, but the experience of seeing an after image is.


How Locke would define ones self or person

What is, wherever our consciousness extends is where we can define our person?


This philosopher was so annoying that Callicles gave up fighting him, and both Callicles and this philosophers definition of the good life

What is, Socrates?

Callicles thought the good life was one of pleasure. Socrates believes the good life is one of harmony and unity?


The typical reason Mr Kerlin would give when he wasn't present to teach a class 

What is, under the weather?/ little one is under the weather?


An outline of The Problem of Interaction, a general criticism of Dualism

What is, if the mind and body are separate then how do they interact with one another?


Smart's definition of Personal identity (Strict Identity), including the lightning example

What is, when we report something, there is always an accompanied brain process that is reported. For example, Lightning is defined as electrical discharge. Yet when we see lightning we say we saw ‘lightning’ not electrical discharge, yet the two things are synonymous?


Hume's definition of Personal Identity 

What is, The 'self' is a bundle of perceptions, strung together in a succession; derived from the principles of association?


The reason Socrates states that a temperate life is better than a hedonistic life 

What is, A hedonist is like a person with a leaky jar, always trying to fill their jar to then brim, never able to remain satisfied; whereas a temperate person would be able to remain satisfied and happy like a jar with no holes and full of milk or honey. Therefore a temperate life is better than a hedonistic life?


The name of the student who Mr Kerlin stated wasn't subject to Dr. Nefarious' torture, because he had already gone through so much flogging.

What is, Finlay Ross?


The two things Descartes' Wax analogy 'proves' about the mind

What is, the Mind is a better knower, and better known than the body?

(Descartes states that not only does his mind know things more clearly than his body/senses, he also knows of his mind more clearly than he knows the physical world.)


The animal used in the title of Nagel's book, and why he chose it as an example over other animals 

What is a bat? Nagel chose a bat over other animals for if you travel too far down the phylogenetic tree, people begin to doubt if there is any consciousness at all, and although they are a closely related species, they pertain a variety of sensory apparatus so different from ours that the problem becomes exceptionally vivid?


An Outline of the problem of agency, a known evaluation of Humes theory 

What is, The problem of Agency is concerned with the unifying aspect of Humes Principles of association. What does it mean if a postcard of Paris reminds you of the city itself? It doesn’t automatically follow that the thought of one would lead to the other, unless there was some sort of mechanism at work, unifying the two?


The principles often mistaken for the Good life but is not the good life according to Aristotle, and why 

What is, Pleasure- is achievable by beasts, and since happiness is unique to humans; pleasure cannot be the chief good 

Political life (Honour)- it is not intrinsic or self sufficient 

Virtues of the mind- dont require activity (asleep), or can occur in a horrid life, they require action

Wealth- only pertains extrinsic value


The name of the man who invented the forgetting curve 

What is, Hermann Ebbinghaus?


An outline of Descartes sixth meditation, which proves that he is distinct from his body

What is, P1. Everything which I clearly and distinctly understand is capable of being created by God so as to correspond exactly with my understanding of it.

• P2. I have a clear and distinct idea of myself, in so far as I am simply a thinking, non-extended thing.

• P3. I have a distinct idea of body, in so far as this is simply an extended, non-thinking thing.

• P4. A thinking, non-extended thing does not depend on an extended, non-thinking thing for it’s existence.

• C. Therefore, I am distinct from my body (and can exist without it)?


What the Hard Problem of consciousness is, and why Dennet believes it does not exist

What is, How is it that objectively observed physical processes in the brain give rise to subjective experiences? Dennet asserts that we have a confused notion of what Qualia is as it is ill-defined, and we should be more inclined to believe its properties of an entirely physical consciousness?


The reason why Locke's theory of the self fall victim to the Circular fallacy

What is, Locke argues that personal identity is necessary for memories to occur, yet there is no validating such memories without the previous presence of personal identity, making Locke’s argument circular?


Socrates ship-maker analogy, and how it proves that a good mind is an organised and temperate one

What is, the mind should be organised like how a ship-maker organises parts into a unified and intelligent structure. Socrates states that a person who lived a life of intemperance will live an unhappy existence because they lack the kind of mind to be happy?

The date that Daniel Dennet passed away 

What is, April 19th 2024?
