The metaphysical theory that reality only consists of matter and that man is simply an animal full of chemical reactions
what is materialism?
The theory that proves god through the fact that there must be a first cause as there cannot be an infinite regress of causes and that nothing can be the sole cause of itself
what is the cosmological arguement?
This stance on free will asserts that free will and determinism are not compatible and believes free will is merely an illusion
what is hard determinism / what is incompatibilism?
This philosopher asserts that personhood / identity is based off continued consciousness, his philosophy can be compared to a single strand of rope
who is john locke?
This term is used to describe Aristotles rebuttal to Platos theory? Hint, its comprised of two Greek words (extra points if you can name em)
hylomorphic composition
hyle- matter
morphe- form
The metaphysical theory that rejects the physical and states that every material object is a "bundle of [blank]"
what is idealism?
Who is pascal / what is pascals wager?
The stance on free will the asserts that humans do possess free will, but our choices are impacted by external factors such as upbringing or status
this philosopher values survival over identity, as identity is an all or nothing proposition
who is parfit?
this philospher beleives the human body to be a "prison house" for the soul
who is plato?
The world Plato believes is inhabited by the sensible objects, which are copies of the ideal forms
what is the world of becoming?
The belief in multiple gods who each posses a different role in the universe
what is polytheism?
This stance argues that since we are both free and responsible, determinism must be false
what is libertarianism?
this philosopher believes identity is based off "moral personhood" and has six characteristics to meet to possess "moral personhood"
who is dennet?
the three categories Plato divides the forms into
what are
The 3rd cause in Aristotle's four causes, defined as "whatever generated the substance"
what is the efficient cause?
This atheist philosopher insists that we both created and killed god
who is Nietzsche?
this metaphysical stance on free will asserts that there is no conflict between determinism and free will
what is compatibalism?
This philosopher believes the way we are connected to our previous selves through overlapping psychological links
who is parfit?
the forms Plato believes can only be understood through philosophical reasoning
what are the higher (philosophical) forms?
The type of change Aristotle believes occurs when one substance is destroyed or corrupted in order to generate a brand new one
What is substantial change?
This argument for the belief in god is usually disregarded due to being too "predicated on language"
what is the ontological arguement?
free question guh
this philosopher believes that if you cannot remember a crime, you definatly did not commit it!
who is locke?
the beleif that god has to exist because the world is too perfect for him not too
what is the design arguement?