A group of people that believed the brain was one big cloud of jelly.
What is Whole Brainers?
What job did Phineas have at the time of his accident?
What is the name of Phineas Gage's doctor?
The part of the brain that controls your ability to speak.
What is Broca's Area?
The item that went through Gage's skull.
What is a tamping iron?
The group of people who believed the brain had distinct areas that controlled different personality traits.
What is Localizers/Phrenologists?
What job did Phineas supposedly have down in Chile?
What is a stagecoach driver?
What is the name of Phineas Gage's mom?
What is Hannah Trussell Swetland Gage?
Railroad Foreman
What was Phineas Gage's job?
How many "organs" did the Localizers believe the brain had?
What 37?
What job did Phineas have after he left Boston?
What is a "curiosity" at P.T. Barnum's?
What did doctors do to make sure Phineas could breathe while creating a plaster "life" mask of his head?
What is put straws up his nose?
The number of lobes in the brain.
What is 8?
What is one thing that went wrong to cause the accident?
Phineas looked away/got distracted
They did not have the sand poured on top of the powder
What was a theory medical professionals had at the time that Dr. Harlow believed explained why Phineas was ill? (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile)
What is four liquids or humors?
What type of job would Phineas have been the best at?
*Circus performer
*Stable Hand
*Railroad worker
What is stable hand due to him working well with horses.
What type of brain injury did Phineas have?
What is an open brain injury?
The part of the brain that controls senses like touch.
What is the parietal lobe?
What part of Phineas' brain was injured in the accident?
What is the frontal lobe?
Which theory did Phineas' case prove to be correct?
Trick question! Part of the Whole Brain and Localizer theories are correct, but both also had a lot wrong.
How was Phineas affected by his accident that made him lose his job at the railroad? Name at least 2.
Personality changes - rude, did not get along with people, foul language, disrespectful to women, changed his mind often.
How much does the tamping iron weigh?
What is 13 pounds?