What is a Hematoma?
A swelling or mass of coagulated blood caused by a break in a blood vessel.
What part of the body do we draw from?
The Antecubital fossa
What holds the needle?
The Hub
What tube would you see clotting in ?
The Red tube
What is Hemolysis ?
The breakdown of red blood cells.
What veins are hard to locate,invisible,yet palpable?
Deep veins
What is the most common antiseptic used?
70% isopropyl alcohol
How long is a lancet?
2.4 mm
What is Osteomyelitis?
Inflammation of the bone or bone marrow as a result of bacterial infection .
What is the best vein to use the antecubical space is ?
The Median Cubital
What is the rule for needle gauge?
The larger the gauge the smaller the needle.
The cardiovascular system delivers oxygen to individual cells of body vía what vessels?
The Arteries
What is Venous stasis?
The temporary cessation or slowing of the venous blood flow.
What is the Antecubical space?
The surface of the arm in front of the elbow.
What draws blood into the evacuated tube?
The Vacuum
Blood passes throughheart and goes into what first?
The right Artium
What is a Buffy coat?
A thin , light- colored layer of white blood cells and platelets that lies between a top layer of the plasma and a bottom layerof red blood cellls when an anticoagulant has been added to a blood specimen .
What describes the distinct texture of a vein?
What does a double -pointed needle consists of ?
An Anterior needle and a posterior needle
What color stopper is used for A blood alcohol test?
A grey tube