Which tube does a CBC go in?
Which lab is sent in a gray tube on ice?
Which button should be selected in the collection manager after the labs are drawn?
Save and Exit
True or False: Secure Port IV can only be used on central lines
True or False: I can send a urine sample in a sterile collection container
Which tube does a PTT go in?
Light Blue
Which tube HAS to be signed, dated, and timed
Pink - Type and Screen
Which direction should labels be placed on a specimen?
True or False: Before removing a PIV that had secure port IV applied I need to rock and lift at the hub to loosen the adhesive.
Which supplies should be used when sending the lab a UA?
Utilizing the urine vacutainer system to fill the collection tubes
Which tube does a H&H go in?
When Blood cultures are ordered which vial needs to be drawn first?
I should attempt to draw a lab ____ times.
Secure port IV is a :
B) Adhesive securement device
C) glue
C - glue
True or False: One loose stool is enough to trigger needing a c-diff sample within the first three days of admission?
Which tube does a troponin go in?
Light green
Which blood culture tube is drawn second?
Which should be used to prep the skin prior to drawing blood cultures?
Does Secure Port need to be removed from the skin after removal of a PIV
No. The body will naturally allow the Secure Port to fall off.
Which nasal swab is used to test for flu?
Viral swab
Which tube does a glucose go in?
Light Green
How full does a light blue tube have to be in order for the lab to run the test?
Greater than 90% full
True or False: I should wipe the tops of blood culture vials with alcohol prior to drawing the lab.
If the dressing on a PIV is not intact I should contact ______
The assigned nurse
Which swab is used to test for MRSA?