The influence others have on an individuals health (family, friends, coworkers).
What is the Interpersonal Level?
The view that everyone deserves equal rights and opportunities—this includes the right to good health.
What is social justice?
A consensus that the program is a vital and integral part of the lives of its stakeholders.
What is program sustainability?
Is more narrative, typically with fewer numbers.
What are Qualitative Data?
Contains incorrect information, but it is intentional and malicious.
What is disinformation?
The environment you live in and how it impacts your health.
What is the Community Level?
Digital divide
What is an influence on health?
“Degree to which individuals have the ability to find, understand, and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and actions for themselves and others.”
What is health literacy?
Statistical information (for example, percentages, means, or correlations)
What are quantitative data?
Measures the immediate effects of a health promotion program and the extent to which the program’s objectives were attained
What is an impact evaluation?
The structure of where you work, play and how they impact your health
What is the Organizational Level?
Jones (2001) identifies 3 types that impact health outcomes
What are the three levels of racism -
Institutionalized Racism
Personally Mediated Racism
Internalized Racism
“process by which the actions of individuals or groups attempt to bring about social, environmental, and/or organizational change on behalf of a particular health goal, program, interest, or population.”
What is advocacy?
Determine the scope, Gather data, Analyze data, and Report findings
What are steps in conducting a Needs Assessment?
This focuses on the longer-term (greater than six months) outcomes from a health promotion intervention.
What is an outcome evaluation?
Policies and laws that impact your health.
What is the Societal (Policy) Level?
Promote health, equity, and sustainability
What is a Key Element of Health in All Policies?
“Evidence-based, theory-driven, interdisciplinary, innovative, community participatory, and culturally appropriate”
What are Interventions?
Vital records, Census data, Published data, and Large-scale surveillance data
What are secondary data collection methods?
Contains incorrect information.
What is misinformaton?
Things that a persons does individual that contributes to their health.
What is the Individual Level?
Define Health Equity
Define Health Equity
These should be included and noted throughout evaluation report.
What are references?
Key informant interviews, focus groups, survey questionnaire, and selecting a same.
What are primary data collection methods?
Commonly used to report the results of a program evaluation.
What is an evaluation report?