The result of a behavior or choice
What is a "consequence"?
This movie is about a real estate professional with a cocaine addiction seeks help in a drug rehab program.
What is "Clean and Sober"?
_______ before personalities
What are principles?
This disorder can happen to anyone who experiences a traumatic event, or a series of traumas.
What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD?
This has been identified as the opposite of addiction.
What is "connection"?
"There is nothing more therapeutic than _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____."
What is "For one addict to help another."
This is considered "Recovery Month".
What is September?
These are the most consistent contributors to relapse.
What are: Resentments, Relationships, and Boredom.
This is the drug classification name for Xanax and Valium.
What is "benzodiazepine".
These are what filter information you are receiving (both external and internal).
What are beliefs?
This movie is about a woman who is given the choice of 28 days in rehab or prison.
What "28 days"?
This is how many days you can stay clean and sober for.
What is "Just for today".
This disorder is often associated with a lack of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, particularly serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine
What is "depression"?
Daily Double
This is suggested to do at the end of each day, that focuses on progress and identifying mistakes, in order to continue working your recovery.
What is "the 10th-step or daily inventory."
This is what you are working if you are not working recovery.
What is "relapse or return-to-use"?
This is the name of the medication that is designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose?
What is "Naloxone"?
This is the most dangerous step to take in the 12-step process.
What is "the 13th-step or predatory behavior".
My favorite thing to do in 1935 was to sit in a bar with my doctor friend, not drink, and talk about how hard it is to not drink. It became so popular that it has helps millions of people not drink each year.
Who is Bill W. (William Griffith Wilson)
Bring The Fat Boy Cookies
What are Beliefs - Thoughts - Feelings - Behaviors - Consequence?
The process of CBT?
This is an autobiographical movie, based on the novel by Jim Carrol, which follows an aspiring writer and basketball star from high school, to heroin addiction, to recovery.
What is "Basketball Diaries"?
Do the next "________ ________"
What is right thing
This is the result of dopamine depletion or an irregulating of the Hedonic level.
What is "anhedonia"?
The only step you MUST get right EVERY SINGLE DAY.
What is Step One
"Life is about ______."
What are "options"?
This is the term now used by the law enforcement system to refer to addressing DUII in Oregon.
What is "zero-tolerance"?
These are the 4 Powerful Human needs according to the Franklin Reality Model.
What are: To live/Survive, To have value/Feel important, To love/be loved, Variety.
This is what causes your consequences.
what is your behavior.
These attach meaning to thought
What are "feelings/emotions"?
This Television show follows a family of 7, focused on the father, Frank, as he struggles with addiction to drugs and alcohol. This single father navigates the struggles of fatherhood and sobriety while his oldest daughter does most of the child-rearing.
"It's better to _______ and ________, than to shoot up and throw up."
What is "It's better to suit-up and show-up, than to shoot up and throw up."
This is the term for substance use disorder diagnosis combined with mental health diagnosis.
What is co-occurring disorders or Dual-Diagnosis
This "tool" is recommended for any and all levels of recovery, as well as, for anyone who wants to improve their quality of life.
What is "self-care"?
This is the most important kind of accountability.
What is "self-accountability"?
This is the average amount of time that someone has to implement a coping skill after being triggered.
What is "8 seconds"?
This is the type of therapy that is the core of this Level Justice Involved Group.
What is "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT"?
I am what every AA sponsor (and most NA sponsors) are going to make you read in order to test you determination to recover as well as your willingness and open-mindedness.
what is The Big Book.
Daily Double
These are the "engine" that drives the Franklin Reality Model
What are "the 4 Powerful human needs"?
This television show follows a recovering drug/alcohol addict through his process of leading a clean and sober life, while counseling others trying to maintain abstinence in their own lives.
What is "Loudermilk"?
"We do better in circles than we do in ______."
What are Lines?
"We do better in circles than we do in lines."
This disorder is primarily linked to imbalances in neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine and norepinephrine, within specific brain regions like the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive functions like attention and planning, leading to difficulties with focus, impulsivity, and hyperactivity in individuals.
What is "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD"?
This is a "tool" which looks at the "pro's/con's" of potential choices.
What is "cost - benefit analysis"
Daily Double:
This is the band who's "breakdown" was said to "Break the Soviet Union".
Who is Pantera?
Daily Double
This is what the acronym "FASTER" stands for.
What is
Forgetting priorities - Anxiety - Speeding up- Ticked off - Exhaustion - Relapse
This is Jeremy's 4-step process for accountability.
What is - 1. "I eff'ed up" - I made a mistake
- 2. "There are no excuses" - not minimizing
- 3. "I will address it" - confirming self-correction
- 4. "Moving on" - not letting a mistake define value
I am the "sense" most people gain from engaging in community support groups, spiritual gatherings, as well as in their treatment groups.
What is "the sense of belonging".