What are the 2 keys you press to get rid of the red and green lines when uploading OCTs.
F7 / F8
The 2 types of OCT domains.
What is Time/Spectral Domain?
This is a _____
The red arrows are pointing at.
The Iris
What are the 6 main scans we do for a full Bscan.
The 2 MAIN questions you need to ask before performing an ERG.
What is " Are you prone to seizures? "
What is " Do you wear hearing aids? "
This is __________
Retinoschisis of the eye.
The type of retinal detachment.
What is Rhegmatogenous?
_____ is a cloudy area in the eye's lens that can cause blurry or distorted vision.
What is Cataract?
How many Transverse scans and Longitudinal scans should you get to measure a Nevus ; H/W/L
2 of each scan (minimum)
The vitreous is a clear, gelatinous mass composed of what percentage of water.
The OCT was invented in the year ____
The three landmarks on a fundus photo.
What is the optic nerve, macula, and retinal blood vessels?
The two types of humor in the eye.
What is aqueous humor and vitreous humor?
This is a _____
Choroidal Detachment.
The three pathologies we treat with PDT.
What is WAMD, CSCR, and hemangiomas?
How many sections and frames are in a standard FAST SCAN.
25 sections
9 frames
What are the 3 types of Retinal Detachments.
Exudative (or Serous)
What is the full standardized US labeling system in order ;
Axial, __, __, __, __, __, __, Posterior Pole
Axial, Ciliary Body, Ora Serrata, Equator Anterior, Equator, Equator Posterior, Posterior Equator, Posterior Pole
The thickest layer of the cornea.
What is Stroma?
The day the Zeiss company was founded.
What is November 17 1846?
Difference between Retina Blood Vessels and Arteries.
Veins are thicker and a darker red.
Arteries are thinner and a lighter red.
The most anterior edge of the retina.
What is the Ora Serrata?
What is happening and why?
Iris-lens touch due to bowed iris
How many different imaging/testing MACHINES do we use at ARA (Clinic only)?
(Specifically the machine itself)
Number :: 12
List:: Heidelberg, Cirrus, Topcon Maestro2, OPTOS, Pictor, Canon, ABSOLU US, Portable US, Humphrey VF, VR VF, ERG, IOL 500,
The number of layers in the retina.
What is 10?
Signs of malignancy (in nevi).
What is orange pigment, subretinal fluid, and collar button?
The area where our doctors inject into the eye.
What is the Pars Plana?
When doing an A-SCAN what is the labeling of all 4 peaks?
Cornea, Anterior lens, Posterior lens, Retina