What button takes the picture?
A Shutter Button.
What is the rectangular marquee tool?
rectangular tool used to select and isolate a specific area for editing.
what is the elliptical marquee tool?
circular tool that is used to outline a specific area for editing.
What is the type tool?
Tool that allows you to add text to a document.
What does ctrl-z do?
command that allows you to go back one step.
Where is the SD Card located on the camera?
On the bottom in the battery compartment.
What is the Quick Selection Tool?
automatically selects an area that click on, putting up a marquee for editing.
What is the magic wand tool?
Tool that quickly puts up a marquee in an area that you select.
What is the Paint Bucket tool?
Tool that allows you to fill an area with color.
What does ctrl-shift-z do?
Allows you to re-do a ctrl-z function.
What is a viewfinder?
Part of the camera that allows you to see what you are taking a picture of.
What is the smudge tool?
Smudges specific areas that you click on.
What is the hand tool?
Tool that allows you to move your view throughout the photoshop document.
What is the gradient tool?
Tool that allows you to fill an area with a gradient.
What does ctrl-d do?
What does the Mode Dial do?
Changes the setting of the camera for specific type of picture taking.
What is the pen tool?
Tool for detailed line making that also has the function to fill specific areas with shape.
What is the Blur tool?
A tool that blurs specific areas of your document.
What is the Lasso Tool?
Tool that allows you to use your mouse to freely create a marquee in a specific area.
What does alt-scroll wheel do?
What does Shutter speed do?
It increases or decreases the amount of time the lens is open to light.
What is the Dodge Tool?
Tool that lightens up areas of a photoshop document.
What is the Burn Tool?
Tool that burns specific areas that you select in your document.
What is the Magnetic Lasso tool?
Tool that automatically snaps on to shapes within a photoshop document, creating a marquee in the process.
What does shift scroll wheel do?
allows you to move side to side of a document.