Loss of Privileges or Behavior Contract (ex: phone time, ASCEND Bucks, passes, phase ups)
Have to have or actively working on before advancing to Phase 2
Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, ID
8:30-11:31 (Women) and 12:30-3:30 (Men), 10:00-1:05 Weekends
SUD Group Times
"I need to talk to Heather" "I want to change my Suboxone times"
Complete a Nursing Request Form
Belongings gone through, urine drug testing, and breathalyzers
Initially, twice a week, randoms, and return from passes
2 hours Monday through Friday, 3 hours on weekends
Phase 1 Phone Time
Has to be turned in prior to advancing to Phase 3
10 Sober Support Numbers, Resume
Schedule outside of group times
Outside Appointments and Employment (once in Phase 3)
"I need to call probation" "I need to get my birth certificate" "I need my food card"
Complete CM Request from
Gravel area behind the white fence
Smoking Area, not in the building
All evening Monday through Friday (potentially after chore completion), All Day on weekends
Phase 2 and 3 Phone Times
Has to be completed before graduating
Not initially a requirement but if you commit to this it becomes a requirement
Mental Health Counseling
Turned in by Friday the week of request
Weekend Passes
Information cannot be discussed with outside individuals unless you are a threat to yourself or others, disclose abuse to a child or the elderly, court order in place, appropriate release of information on file
Allowed in Phase 3
Gain employment
The phase eligible for 8-12 hour passes and Sponsor passes
Phase 2
The time that you can begin a 24 hour pass on Saturday
1:05 pm Saturday
Turned in by the Friday the week prior to request
Family Visit Request froms
What can you not do in the building
Use any tobacco products, FaceTime (unless in a private setting)
Being compliant and attending all groups, individuals, case management, peer support, mental health (if applicable), and completing UDTs at the approved times
Wal-Mart Gift Cards
The phase eligible for 24 hour passes
Phase 3
Only exceptions that are excused for Wal-Mart gift cards
Court and Initail MH assessment
Being respectful, no side talk, only leaving if needed, no sleeping, sharing talk space, being mindful
Group and/or meeting etiquette
Phase time frames
Typically on average 7 days for orientation and each additional phase is approximantely 30 days but can be longer or shorter based on individual progress